Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Preee v3.67 20110630

Preee v3.67 20110630
DOWNLOAD Preee v3.67 20110630

Preee is a selfecoded app that we in paradox have coded. Its not only an autotrader but also dupechecker, rls-search, rls-fxp, ftp-gui, news-checker, update-checker, irc-client, icq-client, pre-engine, spead-engine…

PREEE v3.67 UPDATE 20.06.2011 CET:

- new: languages.dat improved
- new: improved debug output
- new: improved speed a bit
- new: site undupe use is possible to turn on/off in
- fix: create daydirs option in siterules didnt get saved
- fix: join sitechannel popup menu should now work for
all selected sites
- new: confirmation on close
- fix: possible bug in !getrls and force list/stat before
- new: view pres (popupmenu from selected sites) working
for all selected sites now
- new: improved ident handling
- new: option to set ext db to get treated with same
priority as local db
- new: less cpu usage during fxp
- new: improved skip_sport.rt (tnx to bugtesting
- fix: minor bug in rls packer when using %cnt% variable
- new: debug output improved
- new: again proxy searching improved (much faster)
- new: nfokeywords.dat improved
- new: auto refresh after transfer in ftp gui
- new: improved proxy searcher again
- fix: bug from yesterdays build with faulty "irc line
not encypted" message
- new: open url on double click in log
- fix: custom ftp bnc was broken since multi-proxy feature
- fix: !bnc was broken
- new: improved stv detection (when infos have not been
extracted by internal scrapper)
- new: more debug info when logs are turned on
- new: better proxy tester
- fix: !reply was broken
- fix: query-announce was broken
- new: added connect-timeout
- new: proxy list improved
- new: improved nfo parser
- new: added some more nfokeywords
- fix: no TRADE-END-MSG when no file was fxped
- new: updated all scrapers from xbmc4xbox
- fix: bug in proxy testing (normal WEB proxies have been
tested against real ip)
- new: proxy testing speed improved (uses calculated
timeout from port test)
- new: improved !lastrls output
- fix: a disabled proxy was causing the lose of data
- new: improved TAG matching to support more types
- new: join site chans from popup menu works for all
selected sites now
- new: improved request filling a tiny bit
- fix: possible bug with CWD inbetween trades
- new: some rule templates improved
- fix: proxy tester was damaged on referer
- new: improved tv rage url finder
- fix: imdb doesn't get parsed anymore if no url was in
tv-rls nfo
- fix: bug in !info trigger
- new: improved ftp MKD
- new: site popup menu -> join site channel
- new: improved irc extraction
- new: improved nfo download
- fix: major bug in rls search by folder parsing fixed :(
- new: View Proof/Cover on release list -> popup
- fix: web proxy settings didn't get saved
- fix: nfo-web-download was broken
- fix: minor bug fixes in irc release parsing
- new: improved info extractionf rom irc
- new: proxy list improved
- new: understands !gn !info !addpre !addnfo !oldnfo by
default (release extraction must be enabled
- fix: scraper names have been set blank
- new: ability to define a http-web-proxy (of course you
can only use it for web and no ftp)
- fix: bug when using socks4 as web-proxy
- new: improved section finder
- fix: minor gui display bug
- fix: skiplist display bug in rls list (mouse over)
- fix: a disable "sub folder only" setting in skiplist
caused a bug in !fxp and trade of files in sub
- new: improved speed in skiplist
- new: small changes in plugin parsing for files/size data

http://www.wupload.com/file/34707469/Preee v3.67 2011-06-27.SoFtDoWn32.com.rar


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