Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Software Plato Screen Video Recorder

Plato Screen Video Recorder untuk merekam semua aktifitas yang ada di desktop computer. Aplikasi ini cocok untuk digunakan membuat Video Tutorial dan Software Demo. Karena saat aplikasi ini dijalankan, tidak mengganggu performa computer.

Sehingga, anda dapat dengan bebas menggerakkan kursor kemana saja dan membukan file apapun yang anda inginkan tanpa takut mengurangi performa komputer saat melakukan procces record.

Jika Anda memindahkan kursor, meluncurkan program baru, ketik beberapa teks, klik beberapa tombol, atau pilih beberapa menu - apa pun yang Anda lihat pada layar anda - Plato Layar Perekam Gratis akan dapat mencatat semua ini dan bahkan juga suara.


Menciptakan film yang digunakan dalam pelatihan pengguna,

Melacak kemajuan sebuah program yang mengeksekusi untuk waktu yang lama

Merekam urutan langkah-langkah yang menyebabkan terjadinya bug dalam perangkat lunak yang salah.

Anda juga dapat berbicara ke dalam mikrofon ketika merekam sedang dalam proses untuk memasukkan audio dengan video yang direkam.

File size: 1.05 MB MB (freeware)
Sistem operasi: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

Sumber : http://gratis2.blogspot.com/2011/05/software-plato-screen-video-recorder.html


The Lincoln Lawyer 2011 R5

Title : The Lincoln Lawyer 2011 R5
Title : 390 MB
Info : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1189340/
Genre : Crime | Drama | Thriller
Director: Brad Furman
Writers: John Romano, Michael Connelly
Stars: Matthew McConaughey, Marisa Tomei and Ryan Phillippe
Quality : DVDRip

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Youtube The Lincoln Lawyer 2011 Movie Thiller

The Lincoln Lawyer 2011 : L.A. criminal defense attorney Mickey Haller signs on to defend slick, suave playboy real estate agent Louis Roulet. Roulet has been charged with assault, and his overbearing mother will do anything to clear the son's name. Cost is no issue - Mickey has his first high-paying client in years. Digging into the case, Mickey and P.I. Raul Levin reveal a blacker picture of Roulet's personality and evidence of a sinister past. Another sudden death and new links to a notorious double-homicide, make Mickey question if he's finally in over his head. His pursuit becomes a question of morality and a even a question of his own mortality.
The lawyer has spent all his professional life afraid that he wouldn't recognize innocence if it stood right in front of him. What he should have been on the watch for was evil, evil as pure as a flame.
The setting here is the lawyers mobile "office" (back seat of a Lincoln towncar) involving actual events and locations in L.A. This story emerged and grew after author Connelly once met a real-life "back seat" lawyer.
The Lincoln Lawyer 2011

Sumber: http://cinema-31.blogspot.com/2011/05/lincoln-lawyer-2011-r5.html

Neraka Yang Tercipta Dibalik Kesuksesan APPLE iPad & iPhone

Tahukah anda penyebab buruh di foxcon pabrik pembuat ipod,ipad dan iphone.adalah karena aturan manajemen yang keras dan kerja lembur tiada henti, dan tahukah anda dibalik kegemilangan Apple Ipad dan iPhone ternyata para pekerhjanya diperlakukan tidak manusia, tinggal di tempat yang mirip kamp konsentrasi, jam kerja yang sangat panjang sehingga banyak dari mereka yang stress samapai melakukan bunuh diri, banggakah anda dengan gadget Apple anda ?

Apple iPad boleh saja telah menangguk sukses. Ironisnya, kesuksesan iPad tersebut justru menciptakan 'neraka' tersendiri bagi para pekerja yang bertugas di pabrik pembuatan tablet PC itu. Mereka diperlakukan bak mesin, tidak manusiawi!

Demikian laporan yang dikeluarkan dua NGO (non government organization) yang melakukan investigasi di pabrik yang dimiliki Foxconn -- partner Apple yang ditunjuk dalam membuat iPhone dan iPad -- yang bertempat di Shenzhen dan Chengdu, China.
Tidak ada senyum: Pekerja melongok dari logo Foxconn dekat gerbang pabrik Foxconn di kota Longhua, provinsi Guangdong
Jerat kawat baja telah dipasang pada jendela di pabrik Foxconn untuk menghentikan para pekerja melompat untuk bunuh diri yang diduga disebabkan praktek-praktek manajemen yang keras

Dalam laporannya, NGO bernama Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations dan Students & Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour (Sacom) tersebut mengklaim dari dua pabrik tersebut mereka telah mengungkap bahwa sekitar 500 ribu karyawan bekerja dalam kondisi yang tak mencerminkan kesuksesan iPad.

Foxconn dituduh telah berlebihan dalam menerapkan jam kerja serta memiliki peraturan perusahaan yang mengikat karyawan.

Bahkan dikutip detikINET dari Guardian, Senin (2/5/2011), kondisi kerja yang dimaksud dikategorikan sebagai tindakan tidak manusiawi dan menempatkan para karyawan seperti sebuah mesin.

Salah satu temuan dari kedua NGO tersebut adalah adanya slip pembayaran gaji yang mengindikasikan bahwa seorang karyawan telah menjalankan 98 jam kerja lembur dalam sebulan. Padahal, batasan lembur yang dilegalkan cuma sebatas 36 jam tiap bulannya.

Foxconn sendiri pertama kali memproduksi iPad pada pabriknya di Chengdu sekitar akhir November tahun lalu dan ditarget untuk melahirkan sekitar 100 juta unit iPad per tahun ketika 2013 mendatang.

Adapun Apple diprediksi telah menjual lebih dari 15 juta unit iPad pada tahun lalu di seluruh dunia. Sementara untuk tahun 2011 yang baru berjalan beberapa bulan, penjualan tablet PC itu sudah mencapai angka 5 juta unit.


5 Potret Buram Buruh di Pabrik iPad

Dua non government organization (NGO) menuding Foxconn, pabrik yang merakit iPad dan iPhone, telah memperlakukan para buruhnya dengan tidak manusiawi.

Berikut 5 potret buram yang terungkap dalam investigasi yang dilakukan NGO bernama Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations dan Students & Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour (Sacom) tersebut:

1. Aktivitas kerja lembur yang berlebihan merupakan sesuatu yang biasa terjadi di pabrik ini. Bahkan dalam investigasi ini ditemukan slip gaji yang mengindikasikan ada seorang karyawan yang telah menjalankan 98 jam kerja lembur dalam sebulan. Padahal, batasan lembur yang dilegalkan cuma sebatas 36 jam tiap bulannya.

2. Pekerja dipaksa untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar yang besar terhadap iPad, sehingga membuat para buruh ini dipaksa untuk mengambil jatah libur hanya satu hari.

3. Di beberapa tempat, para pekerja yang memiliki performa kerja buruk kadang dipermalukan di depan rekan-rekan sekerja.

4. Asrama yang disediakan bagi para pekerja begitu sesak dan memiliki aturan yang sangat ketat. Seorang buruh yang diwawancarai investigator mengatakan, dirinya pernah dipaksa untuk menandatangani surat pengakuan setelah kedapatan menggunakan hairdryer. Dalam surat itu tertulis: "Ini merupakan kesalahan saya. Saya tidak akan pernah mem-blow rambut saya lagi di dalam kamar. Saya telah melakukan sesuatu yang buruk dan tidak akan mengulanginya lagi."
Foxconn mempekerjakan 420.000 pekerja di pabrik Shenzhen yang mana fasilitas mess sangat minim tanpa penyejuk udara
5. Ketika kasus bunuh diri yang melanda Foxconn beberapa waktu lalu menyeruak, para pekerja diminta untuk menandatangani surat perjanjian untuk tidak membunuh dirinya sendiri dan bakal lebih menghargai hidup mereka.

Dilansir Guardian dan dikutip detikINET, Senin (2/5/2011), investigasi yang dilakukan dua NGO di atas dilakukan di pabrik Foxconn yang terdapat di Shenzhen dan Chengdu, China. Mereka mengklaim bahwa sekitar 500 ribu buruh bekerja dalam kondisi yang tak mencerminkan kesuksesan iPad.

Foxconn dituduh telah berlebihan dalam menerapkan jam kerja serta memiliki peraturan perusahaan yang mengikat karyawan.

Read more: http://danish56.blogspot.com/2011/05/neraka-yang-tercipta-dibalik-kesuksesan.html#ixzz1LLVkgwvH

Elephant White 2011 BDRip 720p

Title : Elephant White 2011 BDRip 720p
Title : 475 MB
Info : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1578882/
Genre : Action | Thriller
Director: Prachya Pinkaew
Writer: Kevin Bernhardt
Stars: Kevin Bacon, Djimon Hounsou and Jirantanin Pitakporntrakul
Quality : BDRip 720p

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Part-1 | Part-2 | Part-3

Youtube Elephant White 2011 Movie Thiller

Elephant White 2011 : A mercenary in Thailand is engaged by a 14 year old girl who gives his life a new meaning.
Elephant White 2011

Sumber : http://cinema-31.blogspot.com/2011/05/elephant-white-2011-bdrip-720p.html

Animated Wallpaper Maker 2.5.7 Full Serial

Bosan dengan tampilan wallpaper desktop yang itu-itu aja?? Mungkin sobat blogger bisa mencoba aplikasi yang satu ini, yakni Animated Wallpaper Maker 2.5.7 Full Serial. Dengan aplikasi ini, sobat blogger dapat membuat animasi wallpaper desktop yang bergerak-gerak. Cekidot,,

Ini preview di desktop :

Sebenarnya ini gerak-gerak loh sob, namun saya capture dan simpan dengan format .jpeg, jadi hasilnya tidak bergerak. Hehehe

Animated Wallpaper Features :

  • Free to try. Just download and install our trial version. No fee, no registration needed. Evaluate animated wallpapers on your desktop right now!
  • Realistic live animation effects. Animated Wallpaper Maker uses up-to-date computer graphic effects for the best picture quality.
  • Low resource requirements. Our software was designed to work jointly with office and home software without slowing it down.
  • Wallpaper slideshow mode. Animated Wallpaper Maker can operate as wallpaper changer with a smooth fade in/fade out effect.
  • Windows Vista/XP support. Animated wallpapers work correctly in both versions of Windows: XP and Vista.
  • Instant support.. All registered users are provided with priority technical support. Feel free to contact us with any software-related questions.
Password : www.remo-xp.com
Download Animated Wallpaper Maker 2.5.7 Full Serial
Sumber http://www.remo-xp.com/2011/05/animated-wallpaper-maker-257-full.html

Twitter Blaster Pro v4.00

DOWNLOAD Twitter Blaster Pro v4.00

Mass Gather ID's, Mass Auto Follow and Mass Messenger. With
Twitter Blaster Pro you can promote your business, band or
yourself and stay in constant contact with your friends,
family, fans or following via SMS text. It's a must have for
web 2.0 viral marketing. Twitter has 25 Million users.
Twitter.com & Tagged.com, which racked up 343%, 330%
year-over-year audience growth respectively, were the
fastest-growing US online networks by Nielsen Online.




Zemana AntiLogger ML

DOWNLOAD Zemana AntiLogger ML

Anti-Logger, developed to deal with different kinds of malware threats, protects your banking passwords, private emails & chat conversations from spying proactively without needing a signature-based algorithm and includes powerful, anti-action methods.AntiLogger prevents all known forms of malwares which intend to carry out information theft. As AntiLogger uses a proactive and a unique way to detect potentially harmful applications which have not already been recognized or identified by any anti-virus programs consequently, it protects your 'Information Security' from a range of threats.Modules: Anti-SSL Logger, Anti-WebCam Logger and Anti-ClipBoard Logger are the first security solutions developed in the world. Also, you will realize that these modules have the best features if compared to similar applications.Anti-KeyLogger Module provides a new powerful protection against keyloggers which have not been even caught by known, the most popular security softwares in the world.

Here are some key features of "Zemana AntiLogger":
· Anti-SSL Logger Module that provides protection against SSL Logger
· Anti-WebCam Logger that provides protection against WebCam Logger
· Anti-Key Logger Module that provides protection against Key Logger
· Anti-Screen Logger that provides protection against Screen Logger
· Anti-Clipboard Logger that provides protection against ClipBoard Logger
· System Defence Module that protects your system

OS : Win XP/2000/Vista/Win 7
Language : Multilingual

Home - http://www.zemana.com



WYSIWYG BBCode Editor Portable


WYSIWYG BBCode Editor is a handy utility designed to convert to and from bbcode. From now on, no more tedious bbcode formating - what you see is what you get! With the aid of this application, you will be able to copy and paste directly from browser, and get converted BBCode. Give it a try and see what it can really do for you.

- No more tedious bbcode formating – what you see is what you get!
- Copy and paste directly from browser, and get converted BBCode.
- Paste images and links from clipboard.
- Save and load source HTML and BBCode.
- Supports multiple forum BBCode styles (change in options).
- Familiar keyboard shortcuts.
- Post formatted message directly to browser (IE and Chrome only)
- Auto-Updater.

Minimum Requirements:
- Windows XP or greater
- Internet Explorer 5 or greater

Home Page - http://www.shajul.net/



VueScan 9.0.34 ML Portable

DOWNLOAD VueScan 9.0.34 ML Portable

VueScan, the world's most popular scanner software, is used extensively by photographers, home users, scanning services and corporations. VueScan is a scanning program that works with most high-quality flatbed and film scanners to produce scans that have excellent color fidelity and color balance. It is very easy to use, and also has advanced features for restoring faded colors, batch scanning and other features used by professional photographers. VueScan changes nothing on your system, installs nothing in your operating system and all other scanner software will continue to function. VueScan increases your productivity and saves you money. VueScan has advanced scanning options, powerful features, and greatly improves your scans with superior color accuracy and better color balance. VueScan supports more than 700 scanners and 209 digital camera raw files and takes about 5 minutes to download and install.

• Works with 1200 flatbed and film scanners
• Runs on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux
• Improves your productivity and quality of scans
• Has been downloaded more than 5 million times
• Create raw scan files
• ICC profiles and color spaces
• IT8 color calibration

Home Page - http://www.hamrick.com/



USB over Network 4.6 Beta 2

DOWNLOAD USB over Network 4.6 Beta 2

You can easily share an external USB drive or a printer over a network.Lab instruments, scanners, cameras, card readers, bar code scanners, PDAs, USB keys and others are usually considered to be non-shareable. Thus, normally you need to move your USB devices from one computer to another. Sometimes, though, this is not an easy task, especially when you need to use a device that is physically located in another building or even another city.USB is the standard interface used by most modern computer devices today. But, USB was designed to connect electronic peripherals only to a single computer.Previously, the only way to share a non-shareable device was to buy an expensive hardware USB switch. A hardware switch takes up space, consumes power and is often quite expensive.

USB Over Network is a revolutionary software solution from FabulaTech. No need to move devices from one computer to another, and no need to buy expensive hardware switches. You can access a USB device connected to a remote computer from your computer via a LAN or the Internet as if it were physically plugged into your own PC.The program consists of a "Server" and a "Client". You should install the Server on the computer to which the device you want to share is physically connected. You can install the Client on all PCs from which you need to access the shared device.USB Over Network is easy to install and use. It supports a wide range of USB devices. This software will not require you to have any special knowledge and will install easily right out of the box.Share your USB device without risk of losing it! Access remote instruments without leaving your chair!

Key Features:-
· Allows to work with remote USB devices as with local ones
· Unlimited USB devices can be shared on server
· Unlimited USB devices can be accessed from client
· Wide variety of USB devices is supported
· Auto-sharing of new USB devices
· Auto-sharing exclude list
· Auto-connecting of USB devices which got shared on the server
· USB devices safe removal is supported
· Compatibility
· USB v1.1 and USB v2.0 compatible
· Hardware Universal Serial Bus controllers compatible
· Hyper-Threading Technology compatible
· Multiprocessor platforms compatible
· True Plug-and-Play
· User Interface
· User-friendly program interface
· Hot USB devices sharing/unsharing (without computer reboot)
· Developer API
· USB devices sharing or connection from your application directly using dynamic link library (OEM license)

Home page - http://www.fabulatech.com



T-Shirt Design Kit Profesional

T-Shirt Design Kit.

nie software yang bisa membantu di dalam perancangan desain baju,buat sobat hacker fanz yang yang hobby desain baju silahkan download aja dan bagi yang mau coba2 dangak ngerti dengan desain jangan kuatir software nie cukup familier kok


20 Foto Pertarungan Binatang Yang Teramat Sengit

Binatang bisa saja menjadi manis dan penyabar, bergaul dengan kalangannya sendiri ataupun dengan spesies yang lain, tapi kadang naluri mereka membaca ancaman, dan ketika itulah perjuangan menjadi sebuah pertarungan yang harus diperjuangkan sampai kemenangan, berikut 20 foto dari perkelahian hewan yang sangat sengit atau seru atau .. boleh dibilang agak mengerikan.. tapi bagi pecinta aksi mungkin ini keren !!!

Percaya nggak kucing ini pernah belajar kung-fu ?
Pertarungan mirip di SMACK DOWN
Bila dua raja sedang duel
Waooo, si kecil pemberani !!!
Ape Lu Njing !!!
Gue masih bingung, ini filem fiksi atau asli ?
Jurus Monyet terbang !!!
Gulat versi Kumbang badak
Pertarungan yang bisa menjadi penyebab Gempa Bumi
Flying Lion
Adu Bau Mulut !!
Sumber : danish56.blogspot.com

Read more: http://danish56.blogspot.com/2011/05/20-foto-pertarungan-binatang-yang.html#ixzz1LLH5imBs

[MF|MU] Capsized (ENG) PC Games

Publisher: Alientrap
Developer: Alientrap
Genre: 2D Platformer
Release Date: Apr 29, 2011 (US)
FileSize: 650MB

Capsized is a fast paced 2D platformer focused on intense action and exploration. As a intrepid space traveler, your ship has crash landed on a mysterious alien planet. You must navigate through the perilous environment and fight off blood-thirsty creatures to save your crewmates and escape with your lives! Artist Jesse McGibney and programmer Lee Vermeulen create an immersive alien world teeming with bizarre life-forms and strange landscapes presented in a unique hand-drawn art style. Combining control elements of first person shooters and innovative physics based combat, Capsized emphasizes action without giving up the smart problem solving of classic platform games.

System requirements:


* Highly detailed alien environments and creatures, lovingly rendered with high resolution hand-drawn artwork.
* 12 mission Campaign featuring: massive non-linear environments, diverse objectives and enemies, and exciting comic-style cutscenes.
* 4 extra Arcade Modes to unlock, including: local Deathmatch and Coop, Survival mode, Time Trials, and Armless fighting.
* Lethal arsenal of futuristic weapons and gadgets such as: the Gravity Ram, Jetpack, Energy Shield, and Quasar Array
* Classic First Person Shooter inspired controls, with a focus on skilled movement, creative tactics, and insane action.

MEDIAFIRE: Download Here


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