Senin, 23 Mei 2011

LiveCD Android v0.3 | 170MB

LiveCD Android  v0.3
LiveAndroid is a disk image LiveCD operating system Google Android. Just record the image on the disc, placing it in the CD-ROM drive and restart your computer and you can use Android, without installing it and not touching any files on your computer
LiveCD Android  v0.3

LiveCD Android  v0.3


* OpenDNS added
* Audio support
o VirtualBox ??? Intel 8???0 AC97
o VMware ??? Ensoniq AudioPCI 1371/1373
* SD card support (512M)
* Ethernet (DHCP)
* Mouse wheel support
* High-resolution support (800*600, 1024*768)
* New Apps added
o Software Directory
o AndroidVNC
o PilotLines, Craigs Races, Super Mario
* more net card driver added
o Broadcom 440x/47xx
o CS89x0
o Intel PRO/100+
o NE2000/NE1000
o Realtek RTL-8129/8130/8139

Tested platforms

o Virtual Machine
o VirtualBox
o VMware

Install apps:

o goto console: press ALT+F1
o change current path: cd /system/app
o download application
o goto home: press ALT+F7, youll see app now. :)

LiveAndroid v0.3

o you can download APK file directly from Browser
the APK file save at /sdcard/download
o press ALT+F1
o cp /sdcard/download/* /system/app
o chown 1000:1000 /system/app/*
o press ALT+F7, youll see app now. :)

Instructions--Write the .ISO File and then restart the PC and then boot via CD.Enjoy!!



Mirror 1 :

Mirror 2 :

Mirror 3 :


DBSync for MS SQL & PostgreSQL v2.5.1 | 18.94 Mb

DBSync for MS SQL & PostgreSQL v2.5.1

Synchronize and convert databases from MS SQL to PostgreSQL or from PostgreSQL to MS SQL rapidly and reliably! Operate with a whole database or select only needed tables, fields, indexes and foreign keys to proceed! Reach the desired result by simply configuring of several options through Wizard interface or in command line mode! DBSync for MS SQL & PostgreSQL is also applicable for PostgreSQL database synchronization and migration to another PostgreSQL database. Moreover, DBSync for MS SQL & PostgreSQL is quite well for MS SQL database synchronizing and migration to another MS SQL database.
DBSync for MS SQL & PostgreSQL is a reliable bi-directional database migration tool which allows you to synchronize and convert from:

MS SQL to PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL to MS SQL
PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL


Microsoft SQL Server Express 2005/2008 and Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 support
Ability to select TCP/IP, PIPE, IPX/SPX communications protocols
Interactive (GUI) mode / command line mode
Foreign key (relations) support
Feature to replace symbols in names of tables and fields (which are required not to be used as they are the symbols reserved for MS SQL/PostgreSQL internal purposes) with a substitute symbol
Insert-synchronization, Update-synchronization and Drop-synchronization available
Unicode (utf-8/ utf-16) for MS SQL Server support, all possible encoding support
Unicode Support/Connection character sets support for PostgreSQL server:
LATIN1, LATIN2, LATIN5, LATIN7, ARMSCII8, ASCII, CP1250, CP1251, CP1256, CP1257, CP850, CP852, CP866, DEC8, GEOSTD8, GREEK, HEBREW, HP8, KEYBCS2, KOI8R, KOI8U, MACCE, MACROMAN, SWE7, UTF8 (unicode charset)
Primary keys and Indexes support
MS SQL and PostgreSQL schemes support
Advanced customization options:
- partial selection for database objects to be converted.
- database objects (tables, fields, indexes) renaming before conversion.
- detection of possible conversion errors at customization stage.
Sessions support - all your settings can be saved and restored then;
Binary data type conversion support
Support for AutoIncrement fields conversion
Support for field default values conversion
Automation of the conversion process with task scheduler
High speed of data conversion
Ability to connect to PostgreSQL database servers located on all Unix-like and Windows machines.
Skins support;
Multilanguage Support (English/French/Russian);

Home Page:


5 Situs Penyedia Game Flash Online Terbaik

walaupun game - game disini ngak terlalu banyak fansnya kaya game online yang berat seperti : PointBlack, Ayo Dance, Ragnarok, Counter Strike Dll. tapi ane jamin kalo Mini Game tuh ada sisi kerennya juga. Berikut 5 Website Minigame Online terbaik itu ...

Langsung aja kalo gitu silahkan dinikmati :

1. Armor Games

Armor Games, dahulu bernama Games Of Gondor, adalah situs berbasis di Irvine, California.
Website yang berbasis program Flash ini didirikan oleh Daniel McNeely. Situs ini menyediakan berbagai permainan di berbagai genre, seperti puzzle, menembak, dan permainan strategi.
Selain pengembang game yang lain, staf situs ini menciptakan permainan gratis Flash untuk di rumah.
Permainan yang populer di website ini adalah : Warfare 1917, The Last Stand Dll.

2. Mini Clip

Miniclip adalah situs game yang populer untuk game berbasis browser yang kasual. Ini dimulai pada tahun 2001 oleh Robert Kecil dan Tihan Presbie dengan anggaran sebesar £ 40.000. Website ini begitu cepat tumbuh untuk menjadi pemimpin di pasar game dunia. Pada tahun 2008, perusahaan ini telah menghasilkan anggaran lebih dari £ 200 juta , yang telah menguntungkan miniclip selama 7 tahun terakir, dengan keuntungan melebihi £ 20.000.000 dalam dua tahun belakangan. Seperti penerbitan game eksklusif lainya, website ini juga menyediakan lebih banyak judul yang dikenal luas dan sering dimainkan seperti : Club Penguin, Runescape, Clone Wars Adventures, Webosaurs Dll.

3. Games adalah situs game online yang berbasis flash. Di situs ini memuat berbagai permainan yang dimainkan secara online dan gratis. Situs ini merupakan versi Indonesianya situs game online Permainan di situs ini sama dengan yang ada di situs tapi bahasa penyajiannya yang berbeda.

4 adalah jaringan game utama sosial dimana orang dapat chatting, membuat friens, santai, bersosialisasi, dan bermain game baru setiap hari.
selain bermitra dengan pengembang game terkemuka dan penerbit game lainnya, juga memiliki studio game sendiri. studio ini tim pengembangan menciptakan permainan berkualitas dengan kualitas tinggi yang berfokus pada kebutuhan pengguna dan untuk klien seperti coca cola, sony ericsson Dll .
ribuan website telah menerbitkan game keren dari di seluruh internet melalui saluran distribusi sendiri,
dengan berfokus pada kebutuhan pengguna dan merancang website yang kaya konten.

5 NewGrounds

Newgrounds adalah website game yang berasal dari Amerika. Didirikan pada tanggal 6 Juli 1995 oleh Tom Fulp, website ini merupakan website mini game yang berbasis Flash, dan mempunya fitur - fitur musik. Tom Fulp sang pemilik situs selalu menghasilkan konten untuk game di rumah. Newgrounds adalah situs web portal Flash tertua. Kantor Its berkantor pusat di Glenside, Pennsylvania.


Game2 dalam situs di atas juga bisa di download lho, caranya lewat situs ini
tinggal masukin alamatnya lalu pilih file flashnya.. selamat mencoba

4 Cara Tepat Menggosok Gigi

Menurut para ahli, menyikat gigi yang tidak teratur dapat menyebabkan bau mulut, gigi berlubang dan juga penyakit periodontal (penyakit gusi). Untuk hindari hal tersebut, ada baiknya Anda menyimak empat cara tepat menggosok gigi.

1. Ketahui cara menyikat gigi yang benar
Para ahli mengungkapkan bahwa menyikat gigi yang benar membutuhkan waktu minimal dua menit agar hasil yang didapat maksimal. Saat membersihkan gigi ada beberapa langkah-langkah yang harus diikuti, ini dia langkah-langkahnya.

*Bersihkah permukaan gigi bagian luar, diawali dari gigi atas kemudian gigi bawah.
*Bersihkan permukaan gigi bagian dalam.
*Bersihkan gigi yang biasa dipakai untuk mengunyah seperti gigi graham.
*Lalu sikat permukaan luar dan dalam gigi graham Anda.
*Jangan lupa untuk menyikat lidah dengan sikat khusus lidah untuk mendapatkan nafas yang segar dan mengurangi bakteri mulut.

2. Gunakan sikat gigi yang tepat
Pastikan sikat gigi Anda terbuat dari bahan nilon yang nyaman. Sesuaikan bentuk sikat gigi dengan ukuran mulut. Jika Anda memiliki mulut yang kecil, sebaiknya pilih kepala sikat gigi yang berukuran kecil. Saat akan menyikat gigi, pastikan bahwa sikat gigi Anda basah terlebih dahulu agar tidak melukai gusi akibat bulu yang tajam.

3. Gunakan pasta gigi yang benar
Begitu banyaknya sikat gigi di pasaran yang menawarkan kebutuhan berbeda seperti gigi berlubang, radang gusi, karang gigi, gigi bernoda dan gigi sensitif, membuat Anda bingung memilih pasta gigi mana yang tepat. Tak ada salahnya jika Anda menanyakan pasta gigi yang tepat kepada dokter gigi Anda.

4. Ganti sikat gigi Anda
Jangan tunggu sikat gigi Anda sampai rusak atau sikatnya melebar. Ganti sikat gigi minimal setiap tiga bulan sekali agar tetap higienis.


Joboshare iPhone Rip v3.0.4.0505

Joboshare iPhone Rip v3.0.4.0505

DOWNLOAD Joboshare iPhone Rip v3.0.4.0505

Joboshare iPhone Rip is an amazing handy iPhone rip, manager, transfer tool that can fast rip, copy and transfer your music, movie, photo, ePub, pdf, audiobook, Voice Memo, Camera Roll (iOS 4 above), ringtone, Podcast, TV Show, SMS, Contact, Call List from iPhone to computer with ease. Moreover, Joboshare iPhone Rip is the ideal iPhone manager to transfer music/video to your computer, match your iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 contents to iTunes and seamlessly copy files from computer to your iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4.

Joboshare iPhone Rip now supports the latest iOS 4.3 and iTunes 10.2. With Joboshare iPhone Rip, you can transfer multimedia files in your Computer to iPhone for viewing and playing. Besides music, videos, photos synchronization, you can even treat your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch as a portable hard disk after Joboshare iPhone Rip is installed.

Joboshare iPhone Rip also supports all types of iPhone/iPod/iPad including iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod classic, iPod shuffle, iPod shuffle 6G, iPod nano, iPod nano 5G, iPod nano 6G, iPod touch, iPod touch 4, iPad, iPad 2 and so on. Joboshare iPhone Rip transfers music, videos, photos and so on between your iPod and iPhone.
The newest features

Fully support the latest iTunes 10.2 and iOS 4.3
Transfer SMS from iPhone to Computer as .txt file
Transfer Call List from iPhone to Computer as .txt file
Transfer Contact from iPhone to Computer as .txt and .csv files

Sumber: iPhone Rip v3.0.4.0505.softdown32.rar iPhone Rip v3.0.4.0505.softdown32.rar

Kode Rahasia di Blackberry

Pengguna blackberry di indonesia semakin meningkat. tapi tahukah anda ada berbagai kode rahasia yang terdapat di dalamnya. Sebenarnya ini ada di dalam petunjuk penggunaan, tapi kebanyakan orang tidak tahu jadi dianggap deh kode yang rahasia he he he

Ini dia bro kode rahasia yang terdapat di blackberry

•ALT + L G L G = mengetahui log yang sudah dilakukan dalam Blackberry
•ALT + NUM / Aa / Cap + H = mengetahui Akses Informasi PIN – IMEI – Vendor ID – Free Memory – Versi OS
•M E P D pada Sim Card = mengecek status Blackberry locked atau unlocked
•ALT + R B L D = merombak Address Book
•ALT + R B V = melihat source code dalam Webpage

ALT + N M L L = mengetahui kapasitas sinyal bar
•ALT + V A L D = verifikasi Address Book

•ALT + Right Shift + Delete = mengetahui simulasi kapasitas baterai sudah full
•ALT + left Shift + press H = mengetahui info teknis yang ada dalam Blackberry
•* # 0 6 # = mengetahui IMEI yang ada pada Blackberry
•ALT + Cap / Aa Right + DEL = merestart Blackberry yang sedang nge-hang

Jika loe punya kode rahasia blackberry yang lain silahkan di share melalui form komentar………

Sumber :

Nsasoft Product Key Explorer

Nsasoft Product Key Explorer

DOWNLOAD Nsasoft Product Key Explorer

Product Key Explorer - Find over 500 popular software product keys instantly! Product Key Explorer displays product key for Windows, MS Office, SQL Server and more than 500 popular software products installed on your local or remote network computers. In order to install or reinstall Microsoft Office, Windows, or other commercial software, you must have access to a product serial key (CD Key) for that product. Product Key Explorer retrieves serial keys from network computers and allows to protect your company from having pirated software on your network.

With this software you will be able to track the number of software licenses installed in your business, find and recover a lost or forgotten product keys, save and keep an up-to-date backup of all your software license keys in a central location. Excellent tool for network administrators, or businesses undergoing a software license compliancy. You can save product keys as Tab Delimited Txt File (.txt), Excel Workbook (.xls), CSV Comma Delimited (.csv), Access Database (.mdb), Web Page (.html) or XML Data (.xml) file, Print or Copy to Clipboard.

Product Key Explorer is a powerful software inventory program that can help you to recover and backup lost product key (license CD key) for over 500 popular products (including Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Office 2003, Office 2007 Professional, Adobe etc.) Product Key Explorer automatically recovers serial keys of the current system and retrieves product keys from network computers. The software allows to protect your company from having pirated software on your network. With this software you will be able to track the number of software licenses installed in your business, find and recover a lost or forgotten product keys, save and keep an up-to-date backup of all your software product keys in a central location.

You can backup product keys to Registry File (.reg), save as Tab Delimited Txt File (.txt), CSV Comma Delimited (.csv), Excel Workbook (.xls), Access Database (.mdb), Web Page (.html) or XML Data (.xml) file, print key list or copy all to clipboard. Just right click to key list and choose appropriate option. Please note: the trial version doesn’t allow backup or print product key list.

You can retrieve your game serial key with Product Key Explorer, the program can help you to find product keys for: Dungeon Siege 2, Age of Empires 3, Halo ( Halo 2), Flight Simulator, Rise Of Nations, Age of Mythology, MechWarrior Mercenaries, Sims 2, Battlefield, FIFA, NHL, Black and White, Battlefield Vietnam, Shogun Total War - Warlord Edition, Medal of Honor, Nascar Racing, Global Operations, Freedom Force, SimCity 4 Deluxe, James Bond 007 Nightfire, Dangerous, Dawn of War - Dark Crusade, Medieval II Total War, Call of Duty 2, Company of Heroes, Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory, Eugen Systems The Gladiators, Tiberian, Red Alert, Counter-Strike, Gunman Chronicles, Half-Life, Hidden & Dangerous 2, Industry Giant 2, Legends of Might and Magic, Soldiers Of Anarchy, Covert Strike, Rainbow Six III RavenShield, Pro Evolution Soccer 6, Stalker, Stardock Galactic Civilizations II,Ubisoft Prince of Persia, Silent Hunter II, Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow,Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Empire Earth II, TimeShift, Sid Meier's Pirates, Star Wars Battlefront, Star Wars Empire, Star Wars Republic Commando and more...

Sumber :
Home Page - Product Key Explorer Product Key Explorer

Microsoft Windows Xp Professional Sp3 Integrated April 2011 Corporate

Microsoft Windows Xp Professional Sp3 Integrated April 2011 Corporate

DOWNLOAD Microsoft Windows Xp Professional Sp3 Integrated April 2011 Corporate

With Windows XP Professional Edition with Service Pack 3, you get safer browsing and communication, powerful security tools, and improved experiences. Windows XP is the operating system release that unifies the Microsoft range, with all the desktop versions now built on the NT/2000 code base rather than the shakier foundation of Windows 95, 98, and Me. That makes XP a great upgrade for users of the now-obsolete 9x and Me line, but for those already on Windows 2000 Professional it is a closer call. Despite the similar name, there is no special synergy between Windows XP and Office XP.

* Automatically keep your PC up-to-date with the latest security enhancements including the Windows Security Center, Windows Firewall.
* Windows XP Professional provides rich, wireless network support, helping you simply and easily connect to wireless networks whether in your home, office, or out on the road.
* Quickly set up and connect all the computers, printers, devices, and an Internet connection in your home with the all new Network Setup Wizard.
* Encrypting File System provides an additional level of file protection from hackers and data theft by transparently encrypting files with a randomly generated key.
* Clean, simple design of Windows XP Professional puts the features you use most often at your fingertips, helping you find them quickly.

Sumber :
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