Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Software WinX Free DVD to 3GP Ripper

Aplikasi gratis ini bisa menjadi alternatif bagi Anda yang ingin melakukan konversi/ripping dari format file DVD ke format file 3GP dari aplikasi yang berbayar dengan kemampuan sama.

WinX Free DVD to 3GP Ripper adalah sebuah aplikasi profesional yang sifatnya gratis untuk mendukung kegiatan Anda dalam mengkonversi/meripping file DVD ke format file 3GP yang banyak digunakan ponsel, seperti Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, dan lainnya.

Perangkat lunak ini memiliki fitur dan fungsi yang cukup lengkap. Selain itu, aplikasi ini memiliki beragam macam efek yang brilliant, proses yang stabil, dan cepat. Dengan aplikasi ini, para pengguna dapat mengkonversi sountrack/theme song dari file DVD menjadi format file 3GP sebagai ringtone ponsel serta mengekstrak gambar yang ada untuk dijadikan wallpaper.

File size: 7.26 MB (freeware)
Sistem operasi: Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/7
Sumber : http://gratis2.blogspot.com/2011/05/software-winx-free-dvd-to-3gp-ripper.html


Cheat Point Blank PB 08042011 SCCupid 1.4 Update Mei 2011

Cheat Point Blank PB 08042011 SCCupid 1.4 Update 4 Mei 2011
Dll By : SC™HamiM
Special Thanks To : Silincah_Yovie ( Atas SC Injectornya)
: KraZy
: y0vi3
: SoNz

Forum Support : Scarletzer.us

Numpad.1 = Char Hack + Baret GM
Numpad.2 = Char Hack + Baret ????
Numpad.3 = Char Hack + Baret ?????
Numpad.4 = Char Hack + Baret ?????
Numpad.5 = Char Hack + Baret ?????
Numpad.6 = Char Hack + Baret ?????
Numpad.0 = Reset Char Hack + Baret Hack
F9 : Tittle Hack
F10 : Char hack n baret champions
F11 : SpionHack
F12 : Reset Char n Baret
Home : Complite Misi
End : Uncomplite Misi
Pause Break : Exit Game

Cara Pengguna'an :
Bila BT/DC TerGantung anda menggunakannya

Download Cheat Point Blank PB 08042011 SCCupid 1.4 Update 4 Mei 2011

Read more: http://unvalid.blogspot.com/2011/05/cheat-point-blank-pb-08042011-sccupid.html#ixzz1LUOtZtmT

Cheat Point Blank Megaman V.1.5 Update Point Blank 03052011

Cheat PB 03 Mei 2011 Megaman V.1.5 Terbaru Cheat PointBlank 03052011 versi terbaru - Ketemu lagi dengan artikel terbaru KangJaya hari ini. post kali ini adalah dengan cheat point blank versi 03 mei 2011. cheat pb kali ini bernama cheat point blank Cheat Megaman V.1.5Update versi terbaru 03052011 cheat pb. sebelumnya saya post Cheat Point Blank 03 Mei 2011 Cheat Stuker V.1,6 Auto Inject WH PB 03052011 Versi Terbaru. semoga cheat point blank kali ini membantu teman semua yang lagi mencari-cari cheat pb 03-05-2011 ini. berikut ini link download cheat point blank 03/05/2011 dan fiturnya.

Cheat Point Blank 3 Mei 2011 Cheat Cheat Point Blank Megaman V.1.5 Update Point Blank 03052011

Credit & Special Thanks To :
- Krazy@zeni*hz [DLL]
- Indrascott@Snu*z [DLL]
- Megaman [My Best Character]
- Sapta Agung [Tutor Pembuatan Injector]

Fitur :
Wallhack, Ada 3 DLL Silahkan Pilih Sendiri

Cara Pakai :
Silahkan Dipilih Sendiri DLLnya Ada 3.
BT = Ganti DLL Laen [Kompi Kamu Kayaknya Gak Cocok Dng WH Tsb]
BT Semua = Virtual Drive Mode On

Free download Cheat PointBlank PB Megaman V.1.5 Terbaru 03 Mei 2011 Cheat PointBlank 03052011 versi terbaru


Harga : Gratis
Ukuran File : 3.84 MB
Nama File : Megaman1.5.exe
Sumber : http://jayaputrasbloq.blogspot.com

Nb: Gunakan Mypony untu download ke situs sebangsa ziddu.com, rapidshare.com, 4shared.com. fileserve.com, hotfile.com agar lebih mudah

Read more: http://unvalid.blogspot.com/2011/05/cheat-point-blank-megaman-v15-update.html#ixzz1LUOalQAQ

Membuat Radio Online

Membuat Radio Online (skema 1)

Tentunya dunia broadcast sudah tidak asing lagi di Indonesia, dan dengan tidak sampai hitungan 1 jam kita bisa memiliki sebuah stasiun radio online yang bisa digunakan untuk bisnis ataupun hanya sekedar ingin selalu bisa bersama dengan kerabat dan teman untuk mendengarkan lagu – lagu favorit, cd audio, seminar atau apapun yang ingin diperdengarkan pada khalayak di Indonesia. Bisa juga untuk broadcast media untuk lagu – lagu ciptaan sendiri dengan domain sendiri. Dengan instalasi dan konfigurasi Radio Online, kini lagu – lagu atau semua media audio dapat dengan mudah didengar oleh siapa saja. Jadi Radio Online itu adalah menyiarkan secara live lewat internet semua siaran analog dari studio radio.

Aku mencoba latihan membuat radio online secara live, sebelum final proyek pembuatan radio online swasta di Balikpapan. Aku menerima proyek pembuatan radio online salah satu radio swasta di Balikpapan setelah survey ke studio mereka yang sudah memiliki perangkat radio untuk siaran langsung menggunakan gelombang radio FM. Radio mereka ini memiliki content siaran news, religius, dan dakwah. Proyek ini masih menunggu finishing ruangan untuk server dan penarikan bandwidth internet dedicated ke kantor radio mereka.

Setelah memahami cara kerja/knowledge tentang radio online, ada 2 skema yang bisa dibuat dalam implementasi radio online ini. Pada latihan sekarang aku memakai skema 1, dan skema 2 akan aku implementasi di final proyek sebuah radio swasta di Balikpapan. Sebenarnya tidak jauh berbeda implementasi skema 1 dan skema 2, perbedaannya hanya pada penempatan PC DJ(disk jockey) dan server streaming yang digunakan serta jumlah bandwidth internet yang dipakai baik dari sisi PC DJ dan server streaming. Konfigurasi software didalamnya juga berbeda sesuai kemauan masing-masing. Simplenya sebagai berikut :

Skema1 :

Komponen A : User(listener)——>Internet<——Server Streaming Radio.

Komponen B : PC/komputer DJ——>Internet.

Komponen A dan Komponen B dihubungkan oleh koneksi bandwidth internet yang berbeda.

Skema 2 :

User(listener)——->Internet<——Server Streaming Radio+PC DJ<——Mixer Audio(radio analog)<——Penyiar(microphone), Tape, CD Player.

pada skema 2 komponen A dan B digabung, berada dalam satu server menggunakan bandwidth internet yang sama.

Pada latihan live ini aku memakai skema 1 karena aku tidak bisa berada dekat perangkat mixer audio di studio radio. Perangkat skema 1 yang di ujicobakan sbb :

Untuk Komponen A : sebagai Server Streaming Radio aku gunakan server VPS, memory 256 MB, space 20 GB, O/S Linux Ubuntu-Server8.04, dengan bandwidth internet 512 kbps(kilo bit per second). Server ini terletak di Gedung Cyber(IIX Jakarta). User(listener) akan membaca IP publik yang ada di server ini dengan port koneksi yang sudah kita buka melalui konfigurasi file software streaming radio yang dalam implementasi ini menggunakan SHOUTcast Server.

Untuk komponen B : Uji coba pertama menggunakan laptop ku sebagai PC/komputer DJ dengan bandwidth internet 3,5G HSDPA IndosatM2, Uji coba kedua menggunakan komputer biasa dengan bandwidth internet dedicated 128 kbps. Kedua uji coba ini sukses berjalan baik dan berkomunikasi dengan server streaming SHOUTcast pada komponen A. Untuk O/S menggunakan Windows XP Profesional SP2, Winamp, Plugin winamp

SHOUTcast DSP Plugin, dan kumpulan lagu-lagu mp3.

Instalasinya sebagai berikut :

Komponen A : Server Streaming Radio SHOUTcast VPS sudah terinstall O/S Linux Ubuntu-Server8.04 dengan IP static : 202.145.xx.xxx, settingan IP ini sudah bisa keluar ke Internet. Setelah Instalasi Sistem operasi dan konfigurasi IP maka aku install software Streaming Radio menggunakan SHOUTcast server for Linux. Berikut Instalasi dan konfigurasi SHOUTcast for server.

root@iixsvr:/home/user1# wget http://www.shoutcast.com/downloads/sc1-9-8/sc_serv_1.9.8_Linux.tar.gz—21:17:07— http://www.shoutcast.com/downloads/sc1-9-8/sc_serv_1.9.8_Linux.tar.gz
=> `sc_serv_1.9.8_Linux.tar.gz’
Resolving www.shoutcast.com…
Connecting to www.shoutcast.com||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 60.840 (59K) [application/x-gzip]

100%[=================================>] 60.840 127.06K/s

21:17:10 (126.91 KB/s) – `sc_serv_1.9.8_Linux.tar.gz’ saved [60840/60840]

root@iixsvr:/home/user1# tar -zxvf sc_serv_1.9.8_Linux.tar.gz
root@iixsvr:/home/user1# ls
README.TXT sc_serv sc_serv_1.9.8_Linux.tar.gz sc_serv.conf
root@iixsvr:/home/user1# mkdir shoutcast

pindahkan file README.TXTÂ sc_serv sc_serv.conf ke dalam folder shoutcast.

root@iixsvr:/home/user1/shoutcast# nano sc_serv.conf

disini aku edit sesuai kebutuhan latihan dulu saja pada beberapa bagian berikut :
maxuser 32
password renata
port 8000
adminpassword 123456

(save config)
ctrl-x untuk save dan exit dari editor nano.

Maxuser maksudnya jumlah user(listener) yang dapat mengakses/terkoneksi mendengarkan radio kita, Password disini maksudnya adalah password yng akan kita masukkan pada DSP Plugin Winamp pada PC DJ, Port 8000 adalah port SHOUcats server ini yang dibuka/digunakan untuk streaming radio. Adminpassword adalah passowrd admin untuk interface mengadministrasi SHOUTcats Server via web based..

Selesai mengedit file sc_serv.conf Aku jalankan servicesnya :

root@iixsvr:/home/user1/shoutcast# ./sc_serv sc_serv.conf


** SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server

** Copyright© 1998-2004 Nullsoft, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

** Use “sc_serv filename.ini” to specify an ini file.

Event log:
<06/30/08@21:21:18> [SHOUTcast] DNAS/Linux v1.9.8 (Feb 28 2007) starting up…
<06/30/08@21:21:18> [main] pid: 4554
<06/30/08@21:21:18> [main] loaded config from sc_serv.conf
<06/30/08@21:21:18> [main] initializing (usermax:32 portbase:8000)...
<06/30/08@21:21:18> [main] No ban file found (sc_serv.ban)
<06/30/08@21:21:18> [main] No rip file found (sc_serv.rip)
<06/30/08@21:21:18> [main] opening source socket
<06/30/08@21:21:18> [main] source thread starting
<06/30/08@21:21:18> listening for connection on port 8001
<06/30/08@21:21:18> [main] opening client socket
<06/30/08@21:21:18> [main] Client Stream thread [0] starting
<06/30/08@21:21:18> [main] client main thread starting
<06/30/08@21:21:46> [sleeping] 0 listeners (0 unique)
<06/30/08@21:21:47> [main] SIGINT; exiting!(0 unique)

Sampai disini instalasi dan konfigurasi komponen A selesai. Tetapi masih belum menerima koneksi streaming dari PC DJ yang akan kita setup.

Komponen B : Uji coba nya menggunakan laptopku dengan sistem operasi Windows XP Profesional SP 2. Dengan catatan koneksi internet di laptop sudah jalan menggunakan HSDPA IM2. Berikut tahapannya :

– Install Winamp versi 5 keatas(sebaiknya yang terbaru), unduh di www.winamp.com – Install SHOUTcast DSP Plugin for windows, unduh di http://www.shoutcast.com/broadcast-tools

Konfigurasi plugin SHOUTcast DSP dan Winamp untuk memasukkan lagu-lagu yang ingin kita streaming kan.

Berikut screenshot gambarnya :

Di laptopku sebagai bandwidth internet untuk PC DJ memakai IM2 HSDPA yang sudah terkoneksi baik.

ini langkah menginstal SHOUTcast DSP Plugin, sebelumnya harus sudah install winamp dahulu. Jadi anggap Winamp sudah terinstall dan sekarang install SHOUTcast DSP Plugin, Klik 2 kali file shoutcast-dsp-1-9-0-windows.exe yang sudah kita unduh. Lalu ikut petunjuk seperti di gambar Next-Next-Next saja,

Disini DSP Plugin diinstall di folder Winamp yang sudah terinstall sebelumnya,

Sampai disini proses instalasi SHOUTcast DSP Plugin untuk winamp selesai, tinggal konfigurasi menu didalam DSP Plugin.

Jalankan Winamp—-lalu klik ‘Option’——’Preferences’

Pada menu sebelah kiri ‘Pilih DSP/EFFECT’——-klik 2 kali ‘Nullsoft SHOUTCast Sources DSP v1.0.0(dsp_sc.dll)’ di menu sebelah kanan,

Sebuah menu akan muncul dengan TAB konfigurasi : ‘Main’, ‘Output’, ‘Encoder’, ‘Input’.

Pilih ‘Ouput’ dan aku edit bagian ‘Output Configuration’ sbb :

‘Address’ : 202.145.xx.xxx (ini adalah IP Server Streaming Shoutcast yang sudah dikonfigiurasi diatas)
‘Port’: 8000 (port yang akan dimasukin/diopen dari jalur PC DJ ke SHOUTcast Radio Streaming secara online) Password : masukkan password yang kita masukkan pada file sc_serv.conf sebelumnya. Jadi konfigurasi disini sama dengan konfigurasi yang kita edit pada file sc_serv.conf,

Pilih ‘Encoder’ dan rubah Encoder Setting menjadi ‘128kbps, 44.100kHz Mono’ ini tergantung keinginan masing-masing. Lalu kembali ke bagian Output dan klik tombol Conect, nanti terlihat ada proses Status Sent berapa bytes lihat gambar dibawah.

Lagu mp3 yang kita input di Winamp akan distreaming ke server Shoutcast, agar dapat didengarkan user(listener).

Setelah Conect, klik Tab Main dan lihat Input Level berjalan, Kita juga bisa mengalirkan lagu-lagu ke playlist winamp dan menjalankannya.

Klik juga Input dan kita lihat bar input level tanda koneksi berjalan. Disini Input device aku pilih Winamp, kalau aku berada pada skema 2 maka Input Device harus diganti menjadi Soundcard Input. Secara Line in Soundcard akan tersambung ke Mixer Audio penyiar/tape/cd player.

User(listener) akan mendengar Radio online ini melalui browser dengan alamat : http://202.145.xx.xxx:8000/listen.pls File listen.pls digenerate otomatis oleh SHOUTcast Server.

Kita cek event log pada server linux Streaming Shoutcast, terlihat salah satu listener dengan ip 202.51.xxx.xxx sedang mendengarkan lagu streaming ini :

<06/30/08@21:34:17> connected from
<06/30/08@21:34:17> icy-name:Marching band ; icy-genre:Drum Band
<06/30/08@21:34:17> icy-pub:1 ; icy-br:128 ; icy-url:http://www.trendmarching.or.id
<06/30/08@21:34:17> icy-irc:#trendmarching ; icy-icq:0 ; icy-aim:gtomslinux
<06/30/08@21:34:49> no data (30s timeout). disconnecting.
<06/30/08@21:35:18> connected from
<06/30/08@21:35:18> icy-name:Marching band ; icy-genre:Drum Band
<06/30/08@21:35:18> icy-pub:1 ; icy-br:128 ; icy-url:http://www.trendmarching.or.id
<06/30/08@21:35:18> icy-irc:#trendmarching ; icy-icq:0 ; icy-aim:gtomslinux
<06/30/08@21:40:38> [dest: 202.51.xxx.xxx] starting stream (UID: 0)[L: 1]{A: WinampMPEG/5.52}(P: 0)
<06/30/08@21:46:15> [dest: 202.51.xxx.xxx] connection closed (337 seconds) (UID: 0)[L: 0]{Bytes: 4914967}(P: 0)

Jika kita browsing ke http://202.145.xx.xxx:8000 akan menemukan Status Lagu, Song History dan Admin Page untuk interfaces User(Listener). Tapi Admin Page hanya bisa dibuka menggunakan password yang kita masukan pada file sc_serv.conf

Demikianlah proses instalasi dan konfigurasi Radio Online skema 1 sebagai latihan, kesokan harinya aku coba PC/Komputer lain dengan bandwidth lebih baik dalam kondisi banyak listener dan suara streaming terdengar baik, bersih dan tidak delay, yah kadang ada juga delay sedikit, tinggal di tunning.

Untuk Skema2 yang berhadapan langsung dengan audio mixer dan penyiar akan aku susul artikelnya setelah penyelesaian proyek tersebut on site di Balikpapan.

sumber : http://henry.gultom.or.id/2008/07/02/membuat-radio-online-skema-1/

Fliqlo Screensaver 1.3.3

Fliqlo Screensaver 1.3.3

DOWNLOAD Fliqlo Screensaver 1.3.3

Fliqlo Screensaver, as the name suggests, is an animated screensaver for your PC that simulates an analogue clock, totally synchronized with your operating system time.If you are tired of the typical screensavers showing landscapes, vehicles or other usual themes, you can personalize your PC with Fliqlo Screensaver. Each time it is activated, Fliqlo Screensaver places on your monitor the image of an office clock, with a simple look of white numbers on a black background. The time is formatted to AM or PM, so you`ll never lose track of time.




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Search and download videos for free from Youtube, Dailymotion, Google Video, Yahoo Videos, MetaCafe, Veoh, megavideo... You can preview the videos and download them in AVI, iPod, PSO, iPhone, 3GP or FLV (flash) formats.

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Sumber :

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Fly on Desktop Screensaver 1.2

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GTX ScanClean QA Office 4.1 Build 22

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GTXScanClean Office permits users to check images that have been cleaned by GTXScanClean Batch Office. GTXScanClean Batch and GTXScanClean's QA feature makes quick work of processing and checking hundreds of scanned office documents.
U.S. Patent No. 7,016,536

GTXScanClean Office is designed for automatic cleanup of scanned office documents. Features include:

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Makna Nama Muhammad dalam Interpresentasi Gambar

Bulan kemarin saya menemukan artikel kaskus yang menggugah terkait rahasia dibalik nama Muhammad, dimana banyak makna yang tersirat dalam kebesaran nama yang sederhana itu. entah apakah ini merupakan salah satu mukjizat atau sekedar kebetulan saja, bahwa ada fakta menarik di abjad/huruf-huruf yang tersusun dari nama itu:

1. Kata Muhammad, jika kita gabungkan dalam bentuk normal mim kha mim kha dal, maka akan menjadi sebuah sekesta seorang manusia. sudah maklum adanya bahwa sebaik-baik mahluk / ciptaan yang pernah diciptakan oleh Tuhan di alam semesta ini adalah manusia dengan kelebihan aqal mereka, sementara mahluk lain hanyalah hayawan dan planet-planet yang penuh rahasia.

Manusia Sempurna:

2. kata Ahmad, jika kita cermati satu-persatu hurufnya mak huruf-huruf itu akan mennggambarkan sosok orang yang sedang melakukan sholat, tahukah kita bahwa sholat merupakan sebaik-baik doa dan ibadah yang pernah diperintahkanNya.

Ahmad Terpisah:
3. Kata Muhammad jika digabungkan huruf-hurufnya maka akan berbentuk layaknya manusia yang sedang sujud dalam shalat. dalam ritual sholat Sujud merupakan inti dari semua rukun-rukunnya, karena pada saat sujud manusia menundukkan 8 bagian tubuhnya di bumi bukti kepasrahan total kepada sang pencipta. hmmm betapa rahasia Tuhan sangat menggetarkan hati, saya yakin masih banyak tersirat rahasia-rahaisa lain dibalik sosok, nama dan semua yang berkaitan dengan sang kekasih sejati 'Habibullah: Muhammad'.


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Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker 11.05031513

Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker is an advanced application intended to enable you to design 3D Text, buttons, logos. Features a large number of shapes and text template. There are reflections and texture animation effects, and a variety of quick tools, very easy to use. You can choose a variety of bevel and alignment, lighting can be adjusted, the shape can be interchangeable, very flexible. Can import the font shapes, and you can import SVG, and converted into three-dimensional shapes.

You can export the png, tiff, jpg, bmp format. 3D design software for many ordinary people may be unfamiliar, whenever we want to promote our image,web page or display text or graphics to add 3D effect, the mind may emerge 3Dmax complex or tedious Photoshop software operation Skills.

Here are some key features of "Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker":
· The template has as many as hundreds of style options, and user-friendly operation, to save you a lot of work time and increase efficiency;
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Editing and special effects textures:
· the software specially designed for the advanced operator, making the text and the shape of the move, rotate, zoom, change the size is very convenient, all without using the value of the window, everything seems intuitive, creative.
· unlimited undo, making various attempts to become don’t worry about.
· front and side color, material, texture of shape and text can be adjusted. Software contains dozens of texture library to choose from, coupled with the unique texture reflection, mirror, transparent effects, makes it easy to create metal, glass and other special effects.
· texture support zoom, move, rotate, etc. deformation, increase the flexibility of texture. In addition, we can easily create animated textures, the texture was more realistic.
· dozens of ways to free choice of bevels, bevel height can be freely adjusted to meet the needs of different shapes.
· the software provides three adjustable lighting modes

Home Page - http://www.presentation-3d.com/

Download links:


Read more: http://unvalid.blogspot.com/2011/05/aurora-3d-text-logo-maker-1105031513.html#ixzz1LSuuuQIo

Adobe Photoshop Portable AIO CS1 - CS5 (2011) | 351 MB

Adobe Photoshop Portable AIO CS1 - CS5 (2011)
Adobe Photoshop has all the methods of working with bitmaps, in this case is to work with layers and uses the contours. Adobe Photoshop is the undisputed leader among the professional graphic editors due to its widest possibilities, high efficiency and speed. Adobe Photoshop Portable AIO 2011 contains all of the portable version of Photoshop CS1 to CS5. System requirements:
1.8GHz or faster processor
Microsoft Windows All versions XP/Vista/7
512MB of RAM (1GB recommended)
1GB of available hard disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on flash based storage devices)
1,024 x768 display (1,280 x800 recommended) with 16 bit video card
Some GPU accelerated features require graphics support for Shader Model 3.0 and OpenGL 2.0
DVD ROM drive
QuickTime 7.2 software required for multimedia features
Broadband Internet connection required for online services

Platform: Windows All
Language: English / Russian
Medicine: not required

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Read more: http://unvalid.blogspot.com/2011/05/adobe-photoshop-portable-aio-cs1-cs5.html#ixzz1LSulRqJE

4Media Movie Editor (+ Portable) | 29.28/41.32 MB

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The output movies are compatible with most popular and common digital devices, such as iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, PMP, mobile phones, Xbox, Zune, Wii, DS.

Professional movie editing features such as multiple transitions; video effects; watermark, audio, and subtitle editing; video cropping and clipping make 4Media Movie Editor stand out from other similar movie editors. What's more, this movie editor also supports multi-core CPU and offers the highest speed possible when making movies.

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Helps you collect video clips to make a movie in various video formats (e.g. AVI, MP4, FLV, DivX, MOV, RMVB, 3GP, Quick Time HD, WMV HD). Supports either camcorder videos (MTS, M2TS) or HD/SD videos (MKV, WMV HD, VOB HD, QuickTime HD, AVI, 3GP, M4V, MPEG, MP4, RM, RMVB, FLV, DV, VOB, SWF, MPV, MOV, QT, H.261/H.264, DAT, ASF, WMV).

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Add, edit and change scene transitions between clips with a variety of scene transitions in 4Media Movie Editor. You can also preview every transition in the preview panel.

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4Media Movie Editor enables you to clip a video segment by setting the start and the end point.

Crop Video
Crop a section of a video frame by setting values and any unwanted section is removed.

Key Features
- Movie Editor SoftwareApply Artistic Effects
- The best movie editor provides a variety of commonly used artistic effects. You can now apply several effects to a single clip.
- Best Movie EditorAdd Watermark, Audio, Subtitles
- Add picture and text watermarks; music or audio tracks; and attach subtitles.
- Best movie makerCreate a Duplicate
- Not entirely satisfied with your current project? Simply create a copy of it and continue editing.
- MPEG, WMV Movie editorSupports a Wide Range of Devices
- Enjoy your masterpieces on Apple iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, PMP, Mobile phone, Xbox, Zune, Wii, and DS.
- VOB Movie Maker softwareRun in Background
- The movie editor software can be run in the background while making movies.
- Video to Movie MakerPost Movie Making Actions
- Performs an action set (exit, shutdown, hibernate or standby) after a movie making task is done.
- AVI Movie Maker softwareChecks for Updates Automatically
- Regularly checks updates for your software and automatically updates itself of the latest version.
- MPEG Movie EditorMultiple Language Interface
- 4Media Movie Editor supports multilingual interfaces: English, German, French, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Japanese.

Home Page - http://www.mp4converter.net/

Download links:

4Media Movie Editor


4Media Movie Editor Portable


Read more: http://unvalid.blogspot.com/2011/05/4media-movie-editor-6040810-portable.html#ixzz1LSuE4Ji4

4Videosoft Cell Phone Video Converter v3.3.22

DOWNLOAD 4Videosoft Cell Phone Video Converter v3.3.22

4Videosoft Cell Phone Video Converter is all-in-one Cell phone Video Converter software., which can convert all the media files to the cell phone compatible video and audio formats like MP4, H.264/MPEG-4(.mp4), AVI, WMV, 3GP, and AAC, MP3, M4A, MP2, WAV, WMA. All cell phone are supported like LG, Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Pocket PC, Sony XPeria, BlackBerry, Google Phone etc.

Besides, 4Videosoft Cell Phone Video Converter can also convert any audio formats to be the ring tone. In order to manage your cell phone, this advanced video converter is also designed as the video editor for you to recreate the video as you like, including trimming, cropping, joining, watermarking and taking snapshot.

* Convert all multimedia files for all the cell phone
* Support all the cell phone in market

Home - http://www.4videosoft.com/cell-phone-video-converter.html


4Videosoft DPG Converter v3.3.26

4Videosoft DPG Converter v3.3.26

DOWNLOAD 4Videosoft DPG Converter v3.3.26

4Videosoft DPG Converter, the essential DPG movie converter for Nintendo DS fans, can convert any video like convert MPEG to DPG, convert AVI, MP4, 3GP, VOB, H.264/AVC, WMV, DivX, MOV, RM, ASF and HD video to DPG, DPG2, DPG3, DPG4 video, and convert WMA, WAV, M4A, AAC, etc audio to MP3/MP2 for Nintendo DS.

Different from other DPG file converter, 4Videosoft DPG Converter allows you to set output effect, trim clips, crop play region, preview the videos first and capture favorite image, combine more than files into a whole one, add watermark, etc. 4Videosoft DPG Converter brings you so much fun on NDS with converted videos and music, just try it now for free.

* Convert video to DPG
* Personalize video by putting text or image watermark
* Set multiple output formats for converting at the same time
* Select you need audio track or subtitle for output video

Home: http://www.4videosoft.com/dpg-converter.html


Anti-Trojan Elite 5.4.1 ML

Anti-Trojan Elite 5.4.1 ML

DOWNLOAD Anti-Trojan Elite 5.4.1 ML

Anti Trojan Elite(ATE) is a malware remover, it can detect and clean malware in disk or memory.Anti Trojan Elite provide a real-time malware firewall for user, once a trojan or keylogger would been loaded, the ATE can detect, block and then clean it in time before it starts. The ATE can detect more than 22000 trojans, worms and keyloggers currently, and the number of malware ATE could clean is growing up very quickly, we collect world-wide malwares, user can using our auto live update feature to get the power to clean these new malwares in time.

Anti Trojan Elite has some useful utilities especially. The network utility can been used to disconnect suspicious TCP connections; The process utility can been used to kill suspicious processes even the process has the system priviage, even it has the ability to unload suspicious modules in all processes; The registry repair utility can been used to repair registry altered by malware; The registry monitor utility can been used to repair any change of important registry keys and values with real time.

- Real-time malware firewall, protecting user's computer in real-time.
- Detecting and cleaning binded malware, doesn't hurt normal file and clean the malware.
- Detecting and cleaning no process malware, some malware don't have a EXE file, they are only some DLL files and running as some threads in other process, ATE can detect and clean this type of malware even it's running.
- Free tools. View the information of Tcp/Ip states and processes informations.

- Disk and memory scan supported.
- Real-time malware firewall.
- Compressed files (RAR ZIP CAB) scan supported.
- Backup module: Backup trojan files before killing.
- Network Manager. View the tcp/udp states and the processes they belonged to. User can disconnect any tcp connection and stop the opposite process.
- Process manager. View the processes and its DLL modules' information. User can terminate any process and unload any DLL module.
- Internet Explorer and registry repair utility.
- Updating online supported, and auto check updates when ATE starts.
- Real-time registry monitor utility.


Sumber : http://www.softdown32.com/2011/05/anti-trojan-elite-541-ml.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+blogspot%2FHlmt+%28software+gratis%29

Avira AntiVir Premium v10.0.0.680

Avira AntiVir Premium v10.0.0.680

DOWNLOAD Avira AntiVir Premium v10.0.0.680

Avira AntiVir - Avira Company has updated its line of products for the security of the system, produced specifically for personal use. All products contain a resident monitor (Virus Guard), Task Scheduler, a module for automatic updates through a worldwide network and a separate scanner files. There is also a great anti-virus signature database, which is both known and extremely dangerous applications and malicious software.

Avira AntiVir Premium, which protects your computer from viruses, worms, trojans, rootkits, phishing, adware and spyware, bots and dangerous downloads "Drive-by". First-rate performance recognition and maximum security thanks to several updates a day. Repeatedly noted by the various professional awards technology AntiVir offers you protection. The unquestionable benefits include the fact that the program not only protects the user from viruses and network worms, Trojans, adware and spyware, dialers pay sites viruses, jokes, rootkits, phishing and other digital threats. Supported and heuristic analysis, and the user can independently set the menu level of depth. Spyware and adware, this version can not detect, such protection is only available in AntiVir Permium. Result malware can be removed immediately or placed in quarantine. The developers of anti-virus provides the possibility of its work on schedule.

Benefits Avira AntiVir:
* AntiVir stops all types of viruses
* AntiAd/Spyware eliminates ad/spyware
* AntiPhishing proactive protection against phishing
* AntiRootkit against hidden rootkit threats
* AntiDrive-by prevents against downloading viruses when surfing
* MailGuard enhanced email protection
* WebGuard protection against malicious websites
* RescueSystem create a bootable rescue CD
* QuickRemoval eliminate viruses at the push of a button
* NetbookSupport for laptops with low resolution
* AHeADTechnology detects even unknown viruses by their profiles
* AntiVirProActiv detects unknown viruses by their behavior patterns NEW!
* GenericRepair automatic repair of your PC NEW!
* ExpressInstallation install Avira in just 5 clicks NEW!
* AviraSupport there for you in person when questions arise

Your advantages:
"Reliable protection against viruses, worms, Trojans and dialers pay sites
"Very modest resource requirements
"Automatic Updates
"Ease of maintenance

Options Premium:
"Built-in spyware detection and adware
"More protection for email traffic (POP3)
"Special dedicated file server for fast uploads data
"User-definable intervals updates
"You can check the selected directories

Key features:
*Protection from viruses, worms and Trojans
*Protection against spyware / adware
*Extra protection against email viruses (POP3)
*Protection against phishing
*Monitoring real-time
*Preventing download malicious files from the infected sites
*Scanning for viruses with a boot disk
*Verifying data downloaded from the Internet


Inilah Robot-robot Cantik yang Digunakan Untuk Menggantikan Tugas Suster Rumah Sakit di Jepang

Jepang memang cukup dikenal sebagai negara gila teknologi. Baru-baru ini, sebuah perusahaan setempat memperkenalkan prototipe robot perawat yang didesain menyerupai perawat sesungguhnya di rumah sakit. Robot perawat bernama 'The Actroid-F' ini diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk membantu perawatan dan pelayanan pasien di rumah sakit, dan berikut ini adalah Foto Actroid-F robot perawat dari jepang.

Pemilik The Actroid-F Robot perawat yang cantik ini adalah perusahaan robot Kokoro, perusahaan tersebut tak hanya fokus menciptakan fungsi robot, namun juga berupaya mewujudkan bentuk fisik robot senyata mungkin yaitu cantik dan menarik menarik seperti The Actroid-F robot perawat yang cantik ini.

Desainer robot menciptakan kulit sintetis dari silikon sehingga akan memberikan sentuhan lembut bagi pasien yang dirawat. Meski tak dapat berjalan atau duduk, robot ini terlihat begitu nyata dengan ekspresi wajah yang dihasilkan. Robot cantik ini bisa berbicara, tersenyum, dan berkedip sesuai setelan komputer.

Sementara itu, Japan Times Online menulis, pemerintah Jepang juga memperkenalkan prototipe robot suster yang diproyeksikan mulai bekerja untuk kepentingan umum lima tahun mendatang. Tapi, belum diketahui wujud robot suster versi pemerintah ini. Yang pasti, pemerintah dan pengembang di Jepang masih terus melakukan percobaan dan merumuskan standar keamanannya.

sumber: kaskus.us

Atomic Time Syncronizer 5.5

Atomic Time Syncronizer 5.5

DOWNLOAD Atomic Time Syncronizer 5.5

Atomic Time Synchronizer is a useful and handy utility to keep your PC clock accurate. It periodically checks and synchronizes your computer clock with NIST atomic time servers, or synchronizes time between computers. It can also act as a time server.

Key Features of Atomic Time Synchronizer

Synchronizes time with NIST atomic time servers
Synchronizes time between computers
Can act as a time server
Can run as a Windows service
Supports SNTP (the Simple Network time protocol)
Supports the TIME protocol
Can be invoked at the command line, and called in batch files
Can synchronize time with any server running SNTP or TIME protocol
Periodically checks and synchronizes time
Displays time in either local time or UTC/GMT
Can monitor Windows time change event, and adjust automatically
Easy to use and configure

Home - http://lmhsoft.com/timesync/


Sumber : http://www.softdown32.com/2011/05/atomic-time-syncronizer-55.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+blogspot%2FHlmt+%28software+gratis%29

Driver Magician Lite 3.75

Driver Magician Lite 3.75

DOWNLOAD Driver Magician Lite 3.75

Driver Magician offers a professional solution for device drivers backup, restoration and update in Windows operating system. It identifies all the hardware in the system, extracts their associated drivers from the hard disk and backs them up to a location of your choice. Then when you format and reinstall/upgrade your operating system, you can restore all the "saved" drivers just as if you had the original driver diskettes in your hands. After one system reboot, your PC will be loaded and running with the required hardware drivers.

Key features:

• Back up device drivers of your computer in four modes.
• Restore device drivers from backup in one mouse click.
• Update device drivers of your PC to improve system performance and stability.
• Uninstall device drivers
• Live Update device identifier database and driver update database.
• Detect unknown devices.
• Back up more items such as My Documents and Registry.
• Restore more items from backup.
• Get detailed information of the hardware drivers.
• Clone all drivers to an auto-setup package (.EXE), so you can restore drivers without installing Driver Magician.


Digital Editions Converter v3.8.2.294

DOWNLOAD Digital Editions Converter v3.8.2.294

Digital Editions Converter quickly and easily converted ebook to PDF file formats. user can view PDF ebook on other computer or device, user also can print Digital Edition ebook without limitation.

Our program is 1-click converter and easy to use. it has simple interface makes conversion into child’s play. The opening screen allows users to select ebook view mode and then also select where the PDF file will be saved. From there users begin to convert. A series of screens lead you through the process, ensuring that everything is perfect. The program adjust to best ebook resolution automatically,this ensures perfect conversions into PDF.

Key Features

One-click converter.
Adjust ebook screen size automatically
Optimize pdf page for e-reader (Sony Reader, Kindle ….)
Perfect conversions into PDF
Support ebook in PDF or EPUB format

Home - http://www.ebook-converter.com/digital-editions-converter.htm


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8daaa69283755cb3602977c3077181386d7d5ec8a5d9033e0f88266cc0499162 4afa81803373a6e2c29fcc1f782f8161d327c529eaa4e124e6eff19a822bfe9b 90fa09a5f33c6b030e71cbef71bf814c0c4fe49cc797fe5be7ddafe1eb8e351f 8daaa69283755cb3602977c3077181386d7d5ec8a5d9033e0f88266cc0499162 38a529c920f72d406373e1fa6778813bc4a40036ad238c3790d9ebe921231fe7 03b19cb09091327fb90a76ad9263815a08c5d5da47b5955868b20572cce90837 ad65ccfa25f41dab9941d36d1ddd8159189431f9194fa83e12a223926df6ad32 412beb05d01ddd1350c96af42de781516e07a36844d3e59a06ffc6167d0cb410 

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