Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Smadav 8.5 Pro Key 2011

SMADAV 8.5 Pro + KeySMADAV 8.5 Pro + Key - Free download SMADAV 8.5 Pro + Key.

SMADAV 8.5 Pro + Key
SMADAV 8.5 Pro + Key : Smadav-Updater, Fitur update database tiap minggu (online/offline), Pendeteksian khusus untuk virus Ramnit.shortcut, Fitur baru : "Forgot Password" untuk Smadav Pro, Fitur baru SMADAV 8.5 Pro + Key: "Berita Terkini Smadav", dsb.
Download SMADAV 8.5 Pro KEY Full [sipandu.com].rar

Lampu Hemat Energi Sebabkan Kanker

-Walaupun ramah di kantong, namun ternyata lampu hemat energi sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia, karena menyebarkan zat kimia saat lampu dinyalakan.

Para ilmuwan Jerman memperingatkan agar tidak membiarkan lampu tersebut menyala dalam jangka waktu lama di dekat kepala, sebab ada zat beracun yang dikeluarkannya.

Peter Braun yang menguji lampu-lampu itu di Laboratorium Alab di Berlin mengatakan, "Penting untuk menjauhkan sejauh mungkin zat karsinogen semacam itu dari lingkungan manusia."

Sebagaimana dilansir Telegraph (20/4) lampu semacam itu telah digunakan di Inggris secara luas, menyusul arahan Uni Eropa untuk menggantikan lampu pijar tradisional pada akhir tahun ini.

Zat beracun yang dikeluarkan saat lampu hemat energi itu dinyalakan antara lain phenol, naphthalene dan styrene.

Menurut Andreas Kirchner dari Federasi Insinyur Jerman, terdapat asap elektrik yang muncul saat lampu dinyalakan.

"Oleh karenanya saya menngunakannya secara hemat. Jangan digunakan di ruang tanpa ventilasi dan sama sekali jangan di taruh tepat di arah kepala."

Sementara itu para pakar Inggris menghimbau agar konsumen tidak panik.

"Studi independen yang lebih mendalam perlu dilakukan untuk mendukung penelitian Jerman yang sekarang ini," kata Dr. Michelle Bloor, dosen senior ilmu lingkungan di Universitas Portsmouth.

Departemen Lingkungan Inggris bersikeras mengatakan bahwa lampu hemat energi itu aman, meskipun pada kenyataannya ada sedikit merkuri yang keluar jika gelas lampu pecah.

Hasil penelitian ilmuwan Jerman itu mendukung laporan profesor biologi Abraham Haim dari Universitas Haifa, israel, yang mengatakan bahwa bola lampu dapat meningkatkan resiko kanker payudara jika digunakan malam hari.

Menurut Haim, cahaya kebiruan yang dihasilkan CFL hampir menyamai cahaya matahari di siang hari, sehingga mengganggu proses alami dalam tubuh. Dibanding lampu pijar tradisional yang memancarkan sinar berwarna kuning, lampu hemat energi memicu produksi hormon melatonin lebih banyak.

Migraine Action Association telah memperingatkan bahwa lampu hemat energi juga bisa memicu migren (sakit kepala sebelah). Sementara para dokter spesialis kulit menyatakan bahwa intensitas sinar yang dipancarkan lampu itu dapat memperparah problem kulit yang diderita pasien.*

Read more: http://nuurislami.blogspot.com/2011/05/lampu-hemat-energi-sebabkan-kanker.html#ixzz1MiJICA00

VirtualBox v.4.0.8 r71778 Final ML - Silent

VirtualBox v.4.0.8 r71778 Final ML - Silent

DOWNLOAD VirtualBox v.4.0.8 r71778 Final ML - Silent

VirtualBox - a program to run on the same computer multiple virtual operating systems. This is a handy and functional tool for virtualization, both for business and for home users. The program supports many different guest operating systems family of Windows (NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7), as well as DOS, Linux and OpenBSD. As in other similar applications, there exists the possibility to start and stop the guest OS, configure the use of computer resources, communication between host and guest operating system, taking screenshots of virtual systems, and more.

Key features:
"Support for USB 2.0, when the device host machines are available for guest OS
"Built-in RDP-server and client support for USB-devices on top of the RDP protocol
Experimental support for a hard disk VMDK / VMware
"Support for iSCSI
"Virtualization audio
"Support for different types of networking (NAT, Host Networking via Bridged, Internal)
"Supporting tree saved state the virtual machine (snapshots), which can be rolled back from any state guest
"Support for Shared Folders to easily share files between host and guest systems
And much more.


G DATA AntiVirus 2012 v22.0.2.25

G DATA AntiVirus 2012 v22.0.2.25

DOWNLOAD G DATA AntiVirus 2012 v22.0.2.25

G DATA AntiVirus is a complete protection solution for your home computer. It will scan your PC at regular time intervals or whenever you set it to. G DATA AntiVirus can identify and remove most malware in no time at all!

In addition to its award-winning virus detection rates, G Data AntiVirus has a new idle scan feature which constantly scans the system when it is idle to utilize your system‘s uptime efficiently.

Cloud-based analysis of suspicious files gives your system an effective all-round defence against viruses, worms and other threats - without loss of performance and without tedious queries.

New features in G Data 2012:
· Comprehensive security
· Protects all communication channels (e-mail (POP3 / IMAP), instant messaging (MSN, Yahoo, AOL, etc.)
· Improved protection from viruses, worms, rootkits, spyware, dialers, Trojans, backdoors, and more
· Searches all compressed files and archives
· Resource-saving new user interface
· Cutting edge technology
· DoubleScan: best, award-winning virus detection
· OutbreakShield: Immediate protection against new
· viruses
· Quickest reaction to new virus attacks
· Also for 64-bit Windows systems
· G DATA BootCD will find loaded rootkits
· High tech fully automatically
· E-mail virus blocker for Outlook, Outlook Express,
· Mozilla, Eudora, and more
· Virus blocker for instant messaging (MSN, Yahoo, AOL, etc.)
· Automatically scans HTTP traffic
· System protection monitors Registry and Hosts file
· Fully automatic virus scans and updates
· Updates & Premium Support
· New detection updates every minute
· Virus signatures, software updates and upgrades are
· included for one year
· Technical support by e-mail and phone
· InternetAmbulance analyzes suspicious files
· New on-execution monitor mode
· Cloud-Security & File-Cloud-Check
· Larger fingerprinting database with less memory use
· Proactive protection from online banking trojans
· Idle scan: automatic virus check when user is inactive and the system is idle
· Improved Outlook add-in
· Optimized monitor performance
· All vital information available at a glance in the redesigned G Data SecurityCenter
· Image-Backup for full system backups and recovery (available in G Data NotebookSecurity 2012 and G Data TotalCare 2012



Joboshare DVD to WMV Converter v3.0.8.0426

Joboshare DVD to WMV Converter v3.0.8.0426
DOWNLOAD Joboshare DVD to WMV Converter v3.0.8.0426

Joboshare DVD to WMV Converter is a very powerful DVD to WMV converter and DVD to WMA converter with user-friendly interface. Joboshare DVD to WMV Converter can convert DVD to WMV video and rip DVD to WMA audio with excellent video and audio quality.

This excellent DVD to WMV converter supports most of the WMV players such as Google Phone, BlackBerry Storm, BlackBerry Bold, Palm Pre, Microsoft Zune, Microsoft Zune 2, PSP, PS3, Xbox 360, Dell Player, HP iPAQ, etc.

The best DVD to WMV Converter lets you to customize video and audio bitrate, set frame rate, adjust resolution, select DVD audio track, select DVD subtitle, select any DVD chapters and titles to convert, trim your DVD chapters and titles to only convert your favorite clips, etc.

Convert DVD to WMV video
Convert DVD to WMA audio
Convert DVD, IFO, DVD folder to WMV, WMA
http://www.filesonic.com/file/1015379234/Joboshare DVD to WMV Converter v3.0.8.0426.softdown32.com.rar



Sumber :

Joboshare DVD Creator

Joboshare DVD Creator

DOWNLOAD Joboshare DVD Creator

Joboshare DVD Creator is a professional DVD editing and DVD burning software. In just a few steps, you can easily convert and burn all popular video files (AVI, MPEG, DAT, MPG, WMV, ASF, MP4, 3GP, VOB) to DVD for backup and enhancement. With this handy DVD creator and burn tool, you can combine your video files into video slideshows, and edit your video clips by video trimming and video resizing. The DVD creator provides many brilliant DVD menus and menu editing methods to assist you to burn professional DVD.

Joboshare DVD Creator allows you to specify NTSC or PAL, adjust 4:3 or 16:9 video aspect and burn DVD movie disc, DVD folder or ISO files. Joboshare DVD Creator supports lots of DVD formats, including DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD-5, and DVD-9.

Key Features
• Burn various video formats to DVD discs
Supports all popular video formats including AVI, MPEG, DAT, MPG, WMV, ASF, MP4, 3GP and VOB.
• Customizable menu template
The professional DVD creator tool provides many brilliant DVD menus for choice to burn video files to DVD.
• Support burn disc and save to hard disk
Create DVD and then burn to DVD disc, save to DVD folder or ISO files for future use.
• Support lots of DVD formats
Supports lots of DVD formats, such as DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD+R DL, DVD-R DL, DVD-RAM, DVD-5 and DVD-9.
• Background music for DVD menu
You can edit the DVD menu by setting background music, image and adding the menu topic.
Let you add background music to your DVD menu just like a real DVD movie.
• Trim Video
Trim your video files to capture your favorite video clips.
• Preview before create and burn
• High-quality and fastest DVD creating/converting engine inside to burn DVD from videos
• Intuitive Interface
Joboshare DVD Creator provides a very intuitive interface to guide you to finish all necessary steps without any hassle.
• Multiple languages: Provides English, Chinese now.
• Multiple skins: Provide two favorite skins for choosing.
• Windows Vista-compatible.

Home Page - http://joboshare.com/
http://www.filesonic.com/file/1015299734/Joboshare DVD Creator



Chromebook Google Gantikan Laptop?


Google memamerkan Chrome OS dan komputer Chromebook di Google I/O. Netbook Web-centric ini berupaya ambisius mengubah cara orang berkomputasi dan mengganti peran laptop.

Sedikit latar belakang Chrome OS dan Chromebook mendatang. Chrome OS merupakan sebuah sistem operasi (OS) yang dikembangkan Google. Premis Chrome OS adalah memberi pengalaman Web-centric bebas dari masalah pengolahan, keamanan, dan gangguan umum yang mewabah PC tradisional, terutama PC Windows.

Dalam video [http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=TVqe8ieqz10] ini, dijelaskan Chromebook bukanlah laptop tetapi juga bukan komputer. Menurut Google, Chromebook tak hanya ‘memiliki’ Web, Chromebook ‘adalah’ Web. Tak ada desktop.

Tak ada aplikasi yang diinstal secara lokal pada Chromebook. Anda cukup melakukan segala sesuatu yang perlu dilakukan di web menggunakan perangkat seperti netbook portabel yang bisa masuk hampir seketika.

Pada blog resminya, Google menjelaskan, Chromebook bisa masuk ke menu utama dalam hitungan detik, bukan menit. Google mengklaim, update otomatis berarti Chromebook akan menjadi lebih cepat dari waktu ke waktu.

Chromebook bisa bertahan seharian dengan sekali isi baterai, dan konektivitas 3G opsional yang dimilikinya berarti Anda bisa online dari mana saja. Dalam video itu disebutkan, Chromebook Google akan hadir Juni mendatang.

Chromebook memiliki slogan, “aplikasi, game, foto, musik, film dan dokumen Anda akan bisa diakses di manapun dan Anda tak perlu khawatir kehilangan komputer atau lupa membuat cadangan file-nya”.

Slogan itu mungkin saja benar namun asumsikan penggunanya secara penuh mendukung Google dan segala sesuatu berbau web. Jelas, jika terus menyimpan foto di USB drive portabel yang terhubung desktop Windows 7, mengakses data-data itu dari Chromebook akan menjadi masalah.

Jika melihat apa yang dilakukan Microsoft saat mengintegrasikan Internet Explorer 9 dengan Windows 7 serta memperluas desktop dengan menyertakan web, bisa dilihat bahwa Google dan Microsoft sebenarnya mengejar tujuan yang sama namun dari arah berlawanan.

Microsoft berupaya membangun jembatan dari Windows tradisional untuk mengintegrasikannya dengan web secara mulus. Sedangkan Google mencoba mengambil alat-alat berbasis web dan pengalamannya dan memberikannya ke dalam format seperti PC.

Kedua pendekatan ini mengakui web memiliki kelebihan sebagai aplikasi dan platform produktivitas. Google masih jauh dalam merangkul dan memberikan web. Jika benar pengguna bisa memilih meninggalkan desktop tradisional dan bekerja sepenuhnya dari ‘awan’ dengan perangkat seperti Chromebook dan Chrome OS.

Namun tak bisa dipungkiri, pengguna juga bisa memilih menggunakan alat-alat berbasis web dan layanan dari Windows tradisional, Mac OS X, atau laptop Linux, dan mempertahankan manfaat tambahan yakni bisa menginstal software lokal atau melakukan hal-hal lain yang mungkin tak bisa dilakukan Chromebook.

Chromebook tampak sangat menarik, dan visi Google untuk masa depan komputasi mobile juga menarik. Namun, Chromebook seperti tidak akan menggantikan laptop dalam waktu dekat.

sumber : http://teknologi.inilah.com/read/detail/1507392/chromebook-google-gantikan-laptop

Smadav 8.5 2011 Pro Full Keygen

Akhirnya Smadav menlakukan update kembali, sekarang Smadav sudah menginjak ke Smadav 2011 Rev. 8.5. Kira-kira apa yang baru yah??

Menurut informasi yang saya baca di Smadav.net, yang baru di Smadav 8.5 ini meliputi :
Smadav-Updater, Fitur update database tiap minggu (online/offline), Pendeteksian khusus untuk virus Ramnit.shortcut, Fitur baru : "Forgot Password" untuk Smadav Pro, Fitur baru : "Berita Terkini Smadav", dsb.

Berikut saya sertakan screenshot sukses pas aktivasi :
Smadav 8.5 Pro
Bagaimana?? Keygen saya jamin works 100%. Ingat, jangan gunakan nama yang sudah di blacklist, ciptakan nama unik anda untuk memudahkan proses aktivasi ke pro. Seperti nama yang mengandung remoxp sepertinya sudah di blacklist, jadi saya gunakan nama "rxexmxoxp". Selamat mencoba,,

Password : www.remo-xp.com
Download Smadav 8.5 2011 Pro (Smadav)
Download Smadav 8.5 2011 Pro (4shared)
Download Keygen Smadav 8.5

Cross 2011 DVDRip

Title : Cross 2011 DVDRip
Size : 390 MB
Info : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1046245/
Genre: Action | Fantasy
Director: Patrick Durham
Writers: Jonathan Sachar, Patrick Durham
Stars: Danny Trejo, Michael Clarke Duncan and C. Thomas Howell
Quality: VDVDRip

Download Movie File EU

Download Movie File CR

Download Movie File EU
Part-1 | Part-2


tanpa basa basi lagi gan.. sedot dah nih digibook .. baru segini yang ke upload.. jaringan lagi buruk..

Xara Web Designer Premium v7.0.4.16614

Xara Web Designer Premium v7.0.4.16614

DOWNLOAD Xara Web Designer Premium v7.0.4.16614

Xara Web Designer is unlike any web editor you will have seen before; an easy template based solution that gives you total page design freedom, no HTML skills required. Traditional web authoring tools are really just HTML editors, they are designed to create text layout, providing few, if any, graphical capabilities. And yet it's evident that the vast majority of modern websites are of a graphical nature. We believe you should have complete freedom to include anything - text, graphics, photos - anywhere on the page, using just one tool. And you shouldn't need to know, or even see, the HTML that goes into creating your site, any more than a car driver needs to know how an engine works.

Web Designer gives you total design freedom - using drag and drop you can literally place anything, anywhere on the page. And things which are normally difficult to achieve in HTML are a snap in Web Designer - for example text with curved edges, text or graphics at an angle, text flowing around objects - no problem! Whether you customize one of the bundled templates or create your own graphics or animations, it's genuinely WYSIWYG - what you see in Web Designer is exactly what you get on your website.

Some features:
» Liquid text flow around objects
» Easy mouseover, thumbnail and pop-up creation
» Automatic adjustment of photos to the correct web resolution
» One-click change of site wide theme colors and shades
» Automatic color matching of imported objects such as buttons
» Buttons and text panels that automatically stretch as you change the text

Home Page - http://www.xara.com/


IVS 3D Fledermaus Professional 7.2.2e.624

IVS 3D Fledermaus Professional 7.2.2e.624

DOWNLOAD IVS 3D Fledermaus Professional 7.2.2e.624

Fledermaus Professional is a powerful 3D data visualization system that uses the same core technologies as Fledermaus Standard, plus adds a sophisticated Area Based Editing module, cable and route planning, and real-time tracking of objects. Fledermaus Professional is used in a variety of applications such as swath bathymetry editing and quality control, marine construction, military applications, and coastal zone mapping. A wide variety of industry standard formats are supported for direct import of data to the 3D scene, and Fledermaus also allows data from remotely operated vehicles, ships or other entities, to be visualized in real-time. Due to its flexible object oriented software design, Fledermaus can be easily tailored to support many additional visualization modules. If you would like more information on Fledermaus, the full documentation is available online. A free viewer for Fledermaus files named iView3D is also available.

- Contains all of the functionality of the Fledermaus Standard visualization package.
- Adds a powerful Area Based Editing module for processing data from a wide variety of multibeam, single beam, Lidar, or other data formats.
- Support for CUBE based statistical based processing with support for uncertainty surfaces, error modeling, and multiple hypothesis editing, QC, and analysis.
- Track the position of remotely operated vehicles, AUVs, or other vehicles and visualize the object in real-time in a 3D scene.
- Plan routes for pipelines or cables with the Routeplanner application.
- Perform sophisticated statistically analysis of multibeam surveys to ensure data quality control.

Home Page - http://www.ivs3d.com/products/fledermaus/fledermaus_pro.html


EASEUS Todo Backup Professional 2.5

EASEUS Todo Backup Professional 2.5

DOWNLOAD EASEUS Todo Backup Professional 2.5

Best solution to avoid data loss, caused by system crash, hard disk failure, or virus attack, is to back up files and system in advance. EASEUS Todo Backup Professional is advanced and fast data backup & system disaster recovery software for home users, full protecting your personal photos, music, financial data, documents, applications, etc.

Key Features

System Backup and Recovery
Backs up entire system state including the operating system and installed applications on-the-fly without interrupting your work under Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7. It will enable you to get the system up in time after crash.

Backup Schedule
To run backup automatically at a predefined time or upon event. By scheduling a backup task with a simple backup wizard, you can set to backup now, weekly, monthly or upon a certain event such as system startup.

File and Folder Backup
Back up specified files, Network Shared Files, folders or file types in case of virus attack, hard disk failure, or deletion by accident, etc.

Delete Old Images
Automatically delete old images to save disk space according to your own time-setting. Allow custom settings to store recent images.

Incremental Disk/File Backup
Todo Backup supports incremental disk/partition backup and incremental file backup. It can save time and space owing to only storing changed data since the last backup.

Explore Image to Restore
Explore, copy and recover files and folders directly from a backup image in Windows Explorer. You can also specify the desired files to recover during the restore process.

Backup Management
Backup management allows you to manage the backup tasks and plans in a convenient way. You can change or delete a backup task or plan, delete image files, and even convert an image to VMware or Virtual PC image file format.

Disk Clone Tool
Clone or transfer all the data on a hard disk to another. Clone disk is especially useful to upgrade your hard drive to a new one without reinstalling operating systems and applications.

Home Page - http://www.todo-backup.com/


AVG LinkScanner 2011 10.0.1325 BUILD 3589

AVG LinkScanner 2011 10.0.1325 BUILD 3589
DOWNLOAD AVG LinkScanner 2011 10.0.1325 BUILD 3589

AVG LinkScanner - before downloading (after click on link) check the web page on the absence of viruses and other malicious code, thus preventing the virus from infecting your computer or steal konfitsentsialnoy information through fake (phishing) site

Additional Information:

Basic functions
* With scanning visited links in real time, users can be assured that are protected from visiting the newly compromised Web sites or sites with exploits.
* The Global Social Network is constantly updated and provides the latest data so that users can always be sure that they receive reliable and current information about visited web sites, regardless of their popularity.
* The analysis is performed for each Web page, not only for Web sites. The Web site may include hundreds of pages. LinkScanner scans each page to protect users.
* Emphasis on analysis of frequently visited Web sites and pages can be assured of protection provided by LinkScanner.
* Compatible with most modern antivirus software and sets of tools for security allows you to use previously installed software for security.
* Minimal use of system resources contributes to the fact that LinkScanner does not slow down your computer, even when providing protection while browsing the Internet.
* Easy installation and configuration can immediately protect your computer.
* Automatic updating is carried out when it detects a new threat to intellectual network recognition of threats


Cross (2011) DVDRip XviD

Cross (2011) DVDRip XviD

DOWNLOAD Cross (2011) DVDRip XviD

DVDRip | AVI | English | 1h 44m | 624x352 | XviD - 793 kbps | MP3 - 128 kbps | 700 MB
Genre: Action | Fantasy
IMDB Info - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1046245/

Given incredible power by an ancient Celtic Cross. Callan continues to fight evil... Now, joined by a team of weapons experts, Callan battles an unstoppable empire in Los Angeles.



Drive Angry (2011) DVDRip XviD

Drive Angry (2011) DVDRip XviD

DOWNLOAD Drive Angry (2011) DVDRip XviD

English,sub Ro | Xvid 936kbps | 624x352 23.9fps | MP3 32kbps | 104mins | 699.79MB
Genre: Action | Fantasy | Thriller
IMDB - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1502404/

A vengeful father escapes from hell and chases after the men who killed his daughter and kidnapped his granddaughter.



The Hit List (2011) DVDRip XviD AC3

The Hit List (2011) DVDRip XviD AC3

DOWNLOAD The Hit List (2011) DVDRip XviD AC3

Language: English
1h 26m | DVDRip | avi | 720 x 400 | XviD @ 896 Kbps | AC3 @ 448 Kbps | 836 MB
Genres: Action | Thriller
IMDb Info - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1575694/

A disgruntled man creates a hit list with a stranger during a drunken night out and must then race to try to save those he marked for extermination as the bodies begin to pile up and all fingers point to him.



Joboshare DVD to MP4 Converter

Joboshare DVD to MP4 Converter

DOWNLOAD Joboshare DVD to MP4 Converter

Joboshare DVD to MP4 Converter is a very powerful DVD to MP4 converter program with very intuitive and user-friendly interface. It can convert DVD to MP4, AVI, MPEG4, DivX, and XviD video formats with excellent output quality.

Joboshare DVD to MP4 Converter supports most MP4 players and it allows you easily convert DVD to MP4 for playback on iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, Archos AV500, Archos AV700, Archos GMini402, iRiver PMP-100, Creative Zen Vision and other popular MP4 players.

Besides converting DVD to MP4 video, Joboshare DVD to MP4 Converter can also rip and convert DVD to audio files like MP3, AAC, and M4A.

The best DVD to MP4 Converter allows you to customize video and audio bitrate, adjust resolution, set frame rate, select DVD audio track and subtitle, select any DVD chapters/titles to convert, trim your DVD chapters/titles to only convert your favorite clips and so on.

Key Features:
* High compatibility with MP4 players
* Joboshare DVD to MP4 Converter can convert DVD to MP4 video and music fomats for playback on most players such as iPad, BlackBerry, Apple TV, PSP, PS3, iPod, iPhone, iRiver, Creative Zen, Archos, etc;
* Change and set audio settings
* Users have the option to set the subtitle, audio and camera angle before conversion;
* Split large files
* Split output file into several files, users even have the option to set split file size or time; convert a large file into several small ones to fit them into players;
* Multiple output formats for different sources
* Convert several different formats from different source files at the same time, so you can play these files in different multimedia players;
* Batch process and multithreading
* Multithreading and batch conversion provide super fast conversion speed due to multi-core CPU support. Faster than any other DVD to MP4 conversion software;
Very easy to use
* User-friendly interface without any complicated settings. Convert DVD to MP4 with just a few clicks;
* Windows 7 compatible

Home Page - http://www.joboshare.com/index.html
http://www.filesonic.com/file/1008691624/Joboshare DVD to MP4 Converter



Joboshare DVD to Mobile Phone Converter v3.0.8.0426

Joboshare DVD to Mobile Phone Converter v3.0.8.0426

DOWNLOAD Joboshare DVD to Mobile Phone Converter v3.0.8.0426

Joboshare DVD to Mobile Phone Converter is professional DVD to Mobile Phone Converter software, which helps you fast rip and convert DVD to Mobile Phone 3GP, 3G2, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MP4, AVI video formats and convert DVD to Mobile Phone MP3, AAC, M4A, WAV audio formats for enjoy your DVD on Apple iPhone, iPod, Sony PSP, Palm, Pocket PC, and various brands of mobile phones including Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, LG, Sony Ericsson and so on.

The best DVD to Mobile Phone Converter allows you to customize video and audio bitrate, adjust resolution, set frame rate, select DVD audio track and subtitle, select any DVD chapters and titles to convert, trim your DVD chapters and titles to only convert your favorite clips and so on.

So easy to use Joboshare DVD to Mobile Phone Converter and faster than ever before, just a few clicks to convert DVD to 3GP/AVI/MP4!

Convert DVD to Mobile Phone 3GP, 3G2, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MP4, AVI video.
Extract audio from DVD movies to Mobile Phone MP3, AAC, M4A, WAV audio.
High compatibility with almost all popular Mobile Phones.
http://www.filesonic.com/file/1008623084/Joboshare DVD to Mobile Phone Converter v3.0.8.0426.rar



Joboshare DVD to DivX Converter

Joboshare DVD to DivX Converter

DOWNLOAD Joboshare DVD to DivX Converter

Joboshare DVD to DivX Converter is powerful and easy-to-use DVD to DivX, DVD to XviD converter which helps you rip and convert DVD to DivX, XviD, AVI video formats fast and easily.

The output movies are playable on almost all portable media players such as Archos, Archos AV500, Archos AV700, Archos GMini402, iRiver PMP-100, Creative Zen Vision, etc.

The best DVD to DivX Converter allows you to customize video and audio bitrate, adjust resolution, set frame rate, select DVD audio track and subtitle, select any DVD chapters and titles to convert, trim your DVD chapters and titles to only convert your favorite clips and so on.

Key Features
High compatibility with media players
Joboshare DVD to DivX Converter can convert DVD to DivX, XviD, AVI video fomats for playback on almost all portable media players Archos, Archos AV500, Archos AV700, Archos GMini402, iRiver PMP-100, Creative Zen Vision, etc.

Powerful movie editing functions
Split large files into several small files by specified file size or time length;
Change the parameter settings of any profile according to your own need and save the modified profile as a new one for next use;
Trim DVD title or chapter to convert selected movie clips by Setting start time and duration in the advanced profile settings;

Choose the subtitle and audio track to output before conversion;
Batch process and multithreading
Multithreading and batch conversion provide super fast conversion speed due to multi-core CPU support. Faster than any other DVD to DivX conversion software.

Very easy to use
User-friendly interface without any complicated settings. Convert DVD to DivX with just a few clicks.

Multiple languages and multiple skins
Support English, Chinese;
Provide two favorite skins for choosing;

Windows 7 compatible

Home Page - http://www.joboshare.com/dvd-to-divx-converter.html
http://www.filesonic.com/file/1008496624/Joboshare DVD to DivX Converter



Avast! Update 20110516 All Version

Avast! Update 20110516 All Version

DOWNLOAD Avast! Update 20110516 All Version

Avast! v5 & v6

Avast! v4

Folder Protect v1.9.0 Full Crack

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan share kembali aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk melindungi folder kita yang bersifat privasi atau pribadi dari orang-orang yang tidak berkepentingan.

Password Protect Folders:
Folder Protect offers a new concept of ‘Data in Use’ protection. It does not only password protect folders and files but also lets you choose security levels for your data, so that you can choose making your files inaccessible, invisible, delete-proof or write-protected.
Folder Protect v1.9.0
Access Protected Items:
Customize type of security to make your files and folders accessible but delete-proof and write-protected. You can also access hidden files by giving exact path of those files in RUN, Windows Explorer or by using DOS mode.

Hide Files and Folders:
Folder Protect hides your data in such a way that it cannot be viewed, searched for or deleted without knowing the correct path or your password. Hidden data will remain invisible even if you restart your PC or select ‘Show Hidden Files’.

Password : www.remo-xp.com
Download Folder Protect v1.9.0 Full Crack

Joboshare DVD to AVI Converter

Joboshare DVD to AVI Converter

DOWNLOAD Joboshare DVD to AVI Converter

Joboshare DVD to AVI Converter, powerful and easy-to-use DVD to AVI, DVD to XviD, DVD to DivX converter, can rip and convert DVD to AVI, DivX, XviD, MPEG-1, MPEG-2 video fomates with super fast conversion speed and excellent quality.

Key Features:
• High compatibility with all popular media players.
Joboshare DVD to AVI Converter is compatible with all popular media players like Xbox, Xbox 360, Archos, Archos AV500, Archos AV700, Archos GMini402, iRiver PMP-100, Creative Zen Vision, BlackBerry, PSP, PS3, etc.
• Get DVD Info.
Joboshare DVD to AVI Converter supports retrieving DVD info online including DVD cover, director, actors/actresses, film name for you to know more about the DVD movie.
• Customize the output video size.
Split large files into several small files by specified file size or time length.
• Customize output profile.
Change the parameter settings of any profile according to your own need and save the modified profile as a new one for next use.
• Trim Video.
Trim DVD title or chapter to convert selected movie clips by setting start time and duration in the advanced profile settings.
• Customize subtitle and audio track.
Choose the subtitle and audio track to output before conversion.
• Batch process and multithreading.
Multithreading and batch conversion provide super fast conversion speed due to multi-core CPU support. Faster than any other DVD to AVI conversion software.
• Very easy to use.
User-friendly interface without any complicated settings. Convert DVD to AVI with just a few clicks.
• Multiple languages.
Support multiple languages including English, Chinese.
• Multiple skins.
Provide two favorite skins for choosing.
• Windows 7 compatible.

Home Page - http://www.joboshare.com/
http://www.filesonic.com/file/1008195944/Joboshare DVD to AVI Converter



Battle Los Angeles 2011 BRrip

Title : Battle Los Angeles 2011 BRrip
Size : 840 MB
Info : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1217613
Genre: Action | Sci-Fi
Director: Jonathan Liebesman
Writer: Christopher Bertolini
Stars: Aaron Eckhart, Michelle Rodriguez and Bridget Moynahan
Quality: BRrip

Download Movie File DC
Download Movie File CR
Download Movie File EU
Part-1 | Part-2
Download Subtile
Sumber : http://cinema-31.blogspot.com/2011/05/battle-los-angeles-2011-brrip.html

Joboshare DVD Audio Ripper v3.0.8.0425

Joboshare DVD Audio Ripper v3.0.8.0425

DOWNLOAD Joboshare DVD Audio Ripper v3.0.8.0425

Joboshare DVD Audio Ripper is a powerful DVD audio extractor and DVD to MP3 converter, which can extract audio from DVD movie, convert the classical dialogue and convert DVD movie audio to MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC, AC3, OGG, RA and SUN AU formats with excellent sound quality.

Joboshare DVD Audio Ripper lets you easily extract favorite music from DVD movie for playback on iPad, iPod classic, iPod nano, iPod nano 5G, iPod shuffle, iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod touch, Zune, PSP, iRiver, Archos, Creative and so on.

Joboshare DVD Audio Ripper allows you to customize video and audio bitrate, adjust resolution, set frame rate, select DVD audio track and subtitle, select any DVD chapters and titles to convert, trim your DVD chapters and titles to only convert your favorite clips and so on.

Extract audio from DVD movies to MP3, WMA, WAV, AAC, AC3, OGG, FLAC, AU, etc. audio formats.
Customize audio parameters before conversion.
High compatibility with almost all popular MP3 players.
http://www.filesonic.com/file/1008088074/Joboshare DVD Audio Ripper v3.0.8.0425.rar



Joboshare DVD Copy

Joboshare DVD Copy

DOWNLOAD Joboshare DVD Copy

Joboshare DVD Copy is fast DVD clone software to backup your D9 and D5 DVD movie collection to blank DVD discs (D9 to D9 and D5 to D5) with ease. It supports DVD 1:1 copy with a DVD burner, you can easily get your DVD copies which remain 100% same to the original DVD movie Discs. Moreover, it can compress DVD-9 (dual-layer DVD) to one DVD-5 disc. Joboshare DVD Copy also allows you to remove DVD menus, select subtitles and audio tracks, or copy main movie separately to create customized DVD. What's more, the DVD copier can copy DVD with any region code. Joboshare DVD Copy can not only copy DVD movie to ISO file or DVD folder, but also burn ISO file and DVD folder back to DVD.

Key Features
• Joboshare DVD Copy is a professional DVD movie Backup, DVD Copy, DVD Clone, DVD Burn Software.
• Backup DVD movie collection by 1:1
The DVD copier can copy whole DVD disc including titles, menus, subtitles and audio tracks with high quality. Support copying DVD-9 to DVD-9, copying DVD-5 to DVD-5 in 1:1 ratio.
• Dual Layer DVD Support
It can copy whole DVD-9 movie to 8.5GB Dual Layer recordable media (DVD+R/RW, DVD-R/RW) in 1:1 ratio, moreover, it can also compress DVD-9 (Dual layer 8.5GB disc) movie and copy to one DVD-5 (4.7GB) DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW with excellent quality and fast DVD copy speed.
• Save your favorite DVD movie Discs, and Prolongs the lifetime of your DVD-ROM
With Joboshare DVD Copy, you can save your favorite DVD's in a better way, just save the movie to your hard drive, in order to prolong the lifetime of your DVD-ROM. It is also a good way to satisfy your entertainment and business needs on your computer.
• Backup DVD movie to ISO file or DVD folder
• Burn DVD from ISO file or DVD folder
• High speed copying.
• Customize your DVD movie
Joboshare DVD Copy allows you to remove DVD menus, select subtitles and audio tracks, or only copy main movie to create customized DVD.
• Easy-to-use
A very easy to use program that can backup your favorite DVD movie discs without any learning curve.
• Multi-language support including Simplified Chinese and English.
• Support skin change.

Home page - http://www.joboshare.com/
http://www.filesonic.com/file/1008118254/Joboshare DVD Copy


Software Ainvo Disk Cleaner

Inilah salah satu solusi mudah dan gratis yang bisa digunakan dalam membersihkan komputer kesayangan Anda dari berbagai file sampah yang tersimpan di komputer, sehingga mengakibatkan performa menurun.

Ainvo Disk Cleaner adalah aplikasi yang didesain untuk membersihkan komputer dari berbagai file sampah (junk files). Meski gratis, fitur dan fungsi yang dimiliki aplikasi ini cukup lengkap dalam menghilangkan junk files yang tersimpan di komputer.

Aplikasi ini sangat mudah digunakan, bahkan bagi seorang pemula sekalipun. Pertama Anda gunakan fitur "Find temporary files" untuk mencari file sampah, kemudian pilih file-file yang Anda ingin hilangkan dengan menggunakan "Select files for deletion". Setelah itu, gunakan "Disk cleanup" untuk jurus pamungkasnya.

File size: 3.1 MB (freeware)
Sistem operasi: Windows XP/2003/Vista/7


River Of Darkness 2011 DVDRip

Title : River Of Darkness 2011 DVDRip
Size : 700 MB
Info : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1683981/
Genre: Horror
Director: Bruce Koehler
Writer: Bruce Koehler
Stars: Kurt Angle, S. William Hinzman and Kevin Nash
Quality: DVDRip

Download Movie File MU

Download Movie File MF

Download Subtile

Sumber : http://cinema-31.blogspot.com/2011/05/river-of-darkness-2011-dvdrip.html

[MU|AS] Brink (RePack) PC Games

Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Developer: Splash Damage
Genre: Sci-Fi First-Person Shooter
Release Date: May 10, 2011 (US)
Repack By: Black_Box
FileSize: 3GB


Brink - a dynamic first-person shooter in which your character develops in all modes of play: you can go through the campaign either alone or together with a friendand try your hand at multiplayer. Whatever the role of specialization and on the battlefield you choosethe world Brink will not disappoint you. Rapid and vivid battleslots of possibilities for creating unique characters and an innovative control system does not leave anyone indifferent.
Brink events unfolding in the arch - a giant floating city that is on the verge of a brutal civil war. It was built as an experiment such as environmentally safe and self-contained habitat for humans. But the result was the home not only to its founders and their descendantsbut also for the thousands of refugees forced to flee from the land suddenly flooded water. As often happensthe inhabitants of Arka could not get along with each other and divided into two camps - the rich citizens under the protection of security personnelrebels and ... Those and others are ready to go to any lengths to gain control over the last refuge of humanity. On whose side to battle - the choice of each player!

System Requirements:


Repack Features:
- Cut all other language than English
- No thing Ripped
- Added SKIDROW Crack
- Video Recoded to Lower Bitrate
- Registry for 32 & 64 bit
- Need at least 2 GB Ram to Decompress
- Need at least 8 GB free space to Decompress
- Our Exclusive Installer
- Include ( Visual Basic & DirectX )
- Start the game from desktop

How to install:
- Unrar
- Mount or Burn
- Run Installer
- Enjoy

Download Part1
Download Part2
Download Part3
Download Part4
Download Part5
Download Part6
Download Part7
Download Part8

Download Part1
Download Part2
Download Part3
Download Part4
Download Part5
Download Part6
Download Part7
Download Part8

Password Link: r1k4y
Password RAR: www.ggamez.org

Working and Testing!!!
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