Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Firefox 6.0 Beta 2 Portable

Firefox 6.0 Beta 2 Portable

Mozilla Firefox - faster, more secure, easier to use and sporting a new look, this latest Firefox release sets a new standard for web browser innovation. Three key goals for Firefox 4: Making the browser faster, building up support for more powerful web standards like HTML5, and giving users full control over their online identities on the social web. That last one in particular is good news to us, as we’ve often advocated that identity belongs in the browser. Mozilla has been experimenting with different identity management techniques for the past year or so, and it’s good to see the company treating user identity as a primary “top 3" feature. The whole web is social now, and it’s time the user agent starts really acting as the user’s agent.

Mozilla Firefox is focused on improved memory handling, performance, and stability, improved XUL, and new core components such as application data stored in SQLite. Mozilla Firefox could break a few existing extensions and applications built on top of Firefox, and it will definitely include new optimizations if you like to build on the popular browser. Mozilla Firefox should have additional javascript and SVG features if you're into that sort of thing.

Features in Firefox include:
- Easy migration: Switching to Firefox has never been easier now that Firefox imports data like Favorites, history, settings, cookies and passwords from Internet Explorer. Firefox can also import settings from Mozilla 1.x, Netscape and Opera.
- New Default Theme: A new default theme provides a bright new look for Windows and Linux users.
- SmartUpdate: A new SmartUpdate feature notifies users of new versions of Firefox to ensure that the browser is always up to date.
- Help: A new online help system makes this one powerful, friendly browser.
- Extension/Theme Manager: New Extension and Theme Managers provide a convenient and secure way to manage and update the hundreds of add-ons that set Firefox apart from other browsers.
Mozilla Firefox also includes numerous bug fixes and incremental improvements, including faster page load speed.
- Popup Blocking: Stop annoying popup ads in their tracks with Firefox's built in popup blocker.

Size (RAR): 35 Mb
2% recovery record

Download Firefox 6.0 Beta 2 Portable

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