Senin, 09 Mei 2011

MathMagic Pro Edition For QuarkXpress v5.5.2.23

MathMagic Pro Edition For QuarkXpress v5.5.2.23

DOWNLOAD MathMagic Pro Edition For QuarkXpress v5.5.2.23

MathMagic Pro Edition for QuarkXPress is an equation editor mainly for use with QuarkXPress software in editing any mathematical expressions and symbols with WYSIWYG interface and various powerful features that meet DTP quality requirements.

Editor provides the user with a complete set of tools for creating complex formulas:
- Supports WYSIWYG - what is the formula derived in the usual form in which they are written on paper
- To the user is given a large number of support panels and windows, which can be chosen as mathematical symbols and parts ("blanks") formulas
- Supported mode "drag-and-drop" - it lets you use your mouse to quickly build complex equations by simply dragging the components and individual characters with support panels and windows
- Editor supports a large number of keyboard shortcuts, and lets you create your own combinations, and working not only with the mouse, but with the keyboard, you can significantly accelerate the entry of formulas
- Supports multiple operations Undo / Redo - if necessary you can restore the work even after a few wrong actions
- The editor lets you change the font and font size - the formula can give an attractive appearance that is particularly important in the preparation of commercial publications
- MathMagic editor lets you create your own sets of templates (ie "blanks" formulas), which greatly facilitates the work, if you have to recruit the same type of formula.


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