Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

SV-MicroPE 2k10 PlusPack CD/USB v.1.6.4

SV-MicroPE 2k10 PlusPack CD/USB v.1.6.4

DOWNLOAD SV-MicroPE 2k10 PlusPack CD/USB v.1.6.4

Miniature Windows-PE from the SV2004, heavily modified from its original version. Features - WIM-assembly, based on the core BS-Explorer, loaded in 30 seconds and running very quickly. There is support for SCSI / SATA / RAID.Set / Internet and multimedia support in the assembly are not available.

Main purpose: preparing to install the OS (with Notch install Win 2000/XP/2003 - Utility Install_Win or WinNTSetup), creation / deployment of images of the system, restoring / copying the data intensive care companies, clearing the OS from viruses (trojans), testing the basic components of MS and much more. In general, the disk system administrator.

1. Integrated driver SCSI / SATA / RAID / IDE (@ yurkesha)
2. Full support USB-Flash/HDD hot-pluggable.
3. Support Wim-archives (automount in B: \ PePrograms), in the presence of a file ini - run. (@ Yurkesha)
4. Different logo download (for single and multi-various). CD-boot - Isolinus, USB-boot Syslinux (3.86). Can be installed on USB-HDD (format the partition, do the primary / active), copy the folder, run the batch file on the disk.
5. Conductor-based Xplorer2
6. Restart the shell at startup when the carrier is connected with a marker. The marker is a batch file DISK \ SVPE \ startSV.bat. When you load goes bust drive C. .. W, sought the file, control passes to the first found, ie,
C: \ SVPE \ startSV.bat ... D: \ SVPE \ startSV.bat ...
The batch file installs a folder with the programs (PePrograms) as drive Y: - For simplicity, the "snap" connected with the support programs. In addition, the main menu is replaced by BS Explorer and restarts the shell. Ie, the main menu (the kernel) works, if not find a carrier with a marker. And extended (SVPE \ _start.ini, can be easily modified by a set of programs if necessary) replace the basic, if found support. Set of plug-programming can be seen on the last picture. In addition to the Start menu, easy to change the other menus, add entries to the registry and "throw" the necessary libraries in the core - all that can be prescribed in startSV.bat.
7. Kernel size 40MB that allows us to hope to boot with 128MB of RAM (not tested). All programs are removed from the kernel (only the file manager FAR, Eplorer + + and partly ERD-2005). For the convenience of using labels on some of the utilities are duplicated in different sections - for example, the program CD-Roller and IsoBuster (Recovery CD / DVD) "prescribed" under "Data Recovery" and "CD / DVD-utility."
8. The algorithm of memory allocation tempo drive (now in the presence of storage volume grows - up to gigabytes).
9. In detail: Runscanner for incitement programs to "lying" Windu, SetTargetRoot for the same purpose in the ERD-2005 and so on.
10. Virtually all programs can be used as a portable (self-extracting in TEMP with Auto Login). When you work in XPe from the menu on the possibility of being set against the "lying" Windu

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